I lunged at Pristine, crushing her. My hands were blazing with balls of fire. I swiped at her furiously and wildly, the light gone from my eyes. I was mad. Real mad. Insane, even.
She narrowly dodged me as she swiped back. She reached over and one of the computer screens flickered to life. I gasped as data and code ran across the screen, and a dozen other electronics started doing the same. Sirens started wailing and a light fell from the ceiling. I yelped, dodging out of the way of it, narrowly escaping the hazard from crushing me. Pristine jumped up. Blood was trickling down the side of her mouth.
She wiped it away with the sleeve of her lab coat. Pristine cackled madly, "Oh, how I envied Emerald for making the goal above me. I was so close! So close! She just and to beat me by one more damn bit, and her precious kid got even more!"
I growled, "Cool it before I kill you, grandma!"
She lunged again, this time, the electronics flying with her. They jumped as far as their cables would stretch, sparks flying everywhere. Hell, I've never been scared of being zapped, I mean I have an electric boyfriend. But when my boyfriend's 2000 year old great-granny gets her panties in a wad and tries to kill you with a broken laptop, one might be a bit afraid.
I dodged the flying sparks and threw a fireball her way. She flipped over, dodging it. "I've lived for 2000 years, child! You can't possibly think to defeat me!" Man, most women don't exactly brag about their age.
I ran over and lunged at her once more. This time, my hands were wrapped around her neck, burning her throat. I saw the marble in her fist and banged it against the table. Her fingers unclasped around it as the marble bounces across the floor as I bolted to it as fast as possible. I swooped down and grabbed the tiny thing, whispering a silent 'yes!' as I obtained the small victory. "NO!" She gasped, struggling to regain her breath. At once dozens of electronics started coming at me, but I flew like a skyrocket to Jason. I landed in front of him. "Jason! Jason!" I shook him. His eyes barely opened. "Swallow," I told him, putting the marble in his mouth. Never thought I'd be the one telling that to my boyfriend, usually you'd think it'd be the other way around.
He did, and at once his eyes grew with a bright white light. His body started shaking. I grabbed his hand, his fingers trembling under my grip. "Jason?!" I gripped his hand tighter, unsure what to do. He stopped shaking and was completely still. His eyes were still a bright white, and wide open. I saw from the corner of my eye Tyler limping in, his sword in one hand, and the other arm slung around the shoulder of Zoey. Her arm was severely cut. I saw Molly and Talia run in, the walls trembling around them both. Both gripped onto steely knives, gritting their teeth.
Carlyn was dragging Marcus with Richard, Marcus's legs trailing behind him. I saw he was barely conscious, and his ice-cold glare seemed to be weak. Bailey ran in, carrying Chase-which looked odd because he was twice her size. Stacie ran after them, a hand clamped over her head. Spencer came in, and I saw blood running down his back.
I shook Jason. He didn't respond. "Jason? Jason! Wake up! I swear to God if you leave me like this I will kill myself, escape from hell, and go kick your ass up there in heaven!"
The gang's eyes widened, looking at the situation. "Fool!" Pristine yelped.
"Who's she?" Stacie muttered, gripping her spear.
"Oh, my soon-to-be-grandmother-in-law, AKA Jason's ancestor, who happened to be one of the original Sources and hated my ancestor, Emerald. Oh yeah, she's over 2000 years old, so I'm sure her pussy's a bit dusty. Isn't it... Pristine?"
"What the FRICKIDY-FRACK?!" Richard yelled.
I shook Jason again and realized tears were streaming down my cheeks. "Jason?" I whispered. "Please..."

Super Simulator
HumorEmera Pisces was a dweeb, a nerd. No other way to put it. A bashful girl who had a hopeless crush on the same boy for two years, who failed to notice her. Pathetic, huh? Well, what happens when she unexpectedly wakes up in an unknown place with nine...