(EDITED) Chapter 1: Run Free

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Cassidy's POV

I finished packing up the last of the Asking Alexandria merchandise when James Cassells, their drummer, came up to me. I've always fancied James, he has those perfect cheek bones, and gorgeous hazel eyes that would make your heart skip a beat. Unfortunately, James despised me.

"Cassidy! This looks like rubbish!" James said while emptying the contents of the box.
He soon walked away and I sat there for an extra twenty minutes folding shirts and putting hats away.


I walked on to the bus and immediately someone vomited on me. I gagged due to the awful smell of alcohol, I rushed to the bathroom to clean myself up. 'What a bunch of pigs' I thought; but they're all I have. Sam is my brother, and our parents died two years ago. So ever since then Asking Alexandria has been my family.

Around 2 o'clock everyone fell asleep, except me. I laid there staring straight ahead at the bunk above me. Normally around this time I get a bloody nose because of how dry the air is on this bus or self harm. I got up and went to the bathroom, looking in the mirror I noticed all my imperfections and made me realize how much I hate myself. I then punched the mirror and watched it shatter into a thousand pieces. Moments later there was footsteps and a knock on the door.

"Cassidy darling. Are you okay? Please open the door." Danny asked in a sleepy voice. I opened it to find a very worried Danny.

"I'm fine," I lied. He looked at my hand and cleaned up the blood, then wrapping it afterwards. Danny lead me back the bunk room and crawled into my bed with me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and fell back asleep almost immediately.

"Slut," James said from the bunk across me. I decided I'll go for a walk since we are at the venue. I gently removed Danny's arm and crawled back out of the bunk. I pulled on a large hoodie that covered my shorts and slipped a pair of vans on. I left a note that read;

Went for a walk to think, be back soon. -Cassidy.


"Sam's little sister right?" a voice said from behind me, "I'm Ashley Purdy from Black Veil Brides.".

"Yeah I am," I said quietly.

"So you obviously got the good looks out of you two," he chuckled.

"No not really," I answered. Ashely was the first guy to tell me I was good looking.

"Yes really. I've heard a bunch about you," he said. I sat there in awe while he talked in his American accent.

"I um. Better go. My brother is probably worrying about me," I said realizing the sun is starting to rise.

"Bye Cassidy, see you later on," Ashely said waving causing me to blush. I never blushed on the AA bus. All the lads either ignored me or act like a bunch of compete cunts.

"Where were you?" Ben asked me as I walked back onto the bus.

"Benjamin. You're crushing my rib cage," I said as he hugged me.

"Sorry. So where were you?" Ben asked.

"I went for a walk. Didn't you see my note?" I asked.

"No but you should go talk to James. He's in the lounge," Ben said while leaving the bus. I slowly walked to the lounge. I opened the door and James motioned me to come sit by him.

I sat next to him and a devious grin grew across his face. He got up and locked the door then sat back down.

"Now. Cassidy. You better not tell anyone," James growled in my ear the gently biting it.

I sat there unaware of what he would do next, but had a good idea. He pinned me down against the seat and started to kiss and bite my neck. Each time he'd bite me, I'd let out a quite moan. I then felt his growing erection against my leg. This is wrong on so many levels.

My body started to shake because I grew nervous. This would be my first time ever. I don't know what it feels like. I don't know what to do. The most I've done was give a hand job.

"Get on your knees," he quoted. I obeyed as he unzipped his trousers. He bit his lip as he watched my eyes get wide as he slid his boxers off.

"You know what to do Cassidy," he whispered. I put my mouth on him and felt his body relax as I started to suck.
"Cassidy," James groaned. The more I sucked, the louder James' moans got. James then pushed me off of him, pulling my shorts and underwear off and sting him inside of me. When he was about to cum, he put his member back into my mouth and came in it.

"See. The whore is useful," James panted causing my heart to break a little more.

All I was to James Cassells was a toy that he could play with whenever he wanted.

"You will always be here when I get bored. You will not look at another man the way you look a me. And if you do. You will not like your punishment," James said while running his fingers through my hair.

"James?" I asked quietly, "why do you hate me?"

"Because Cassidy. You are pathetic. A no one. You are just on this bus for our own entertainment," James answered and left the lounge.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora