Chapter 21: Can You Feel My Heart?

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James's POV

I entered the bus as the lads starred at me. I sat myself on the couch and put my face in my hands.

"How'd it go mate?" Ben asked.

"She doesn't want me Ben. She. She doesn't want me to be there," I cried.

"I'm sorry," Ben said.

"I don't know what I am going to without her," I said.

"Give her time," Cameron said.

"She loves him. Cassidy is happy without me," I cried into Cameron's shoulder.

"James you know no Cassidy will always love you," Sam said while patting my back.

"No she won't. I treated her like rubbish. I fucked up mate. I lost the two things that I love most," I said.

"James don't give up," Danny said.

Cassidy's POV

I woke up with sweat covering my forehead. This baby kicks a lot. Then again, I am six months pregnant and look like I swallowed a basketball. I took Denis's arms off of me and walked to the bathroom.

"Because you kill me," I said to myself. I thought I didn't have any feelings for James, but him coming over made me realize that I love him. I love Denis. I love James. But I love Denis.

Denis makes me happy. James hurts me. Denis takes care of me. James doesn't. It's not hard to pick which one I want out of the two. It's like picking from crocks and vans. I will easily chose vans. Aka Denis. I'm not letting the one good thing I have in my life go for someone who isn't worth my time.

I looked in the mirror and paid close attention to my facial features. From the little freckles that cover my cheeks to the scar I have in my chin.

I remember how I got that scar.

"Oops I'm terribly sorry," I said to a person. My brother invited me to come and watch his band practice and meet his friends. I looked up at him and smiled. Those eyes! That jawline! Oh my god he is perfect.

"Love you're bleeding," the man said, "let's get you cleaned up. I'm James by the way, I play the drums." It sounded like he said drooms, it was adorable actually. He lead me to the kitchen and lifted me up, placing me on the counter. He grabbed a paper towel and gently wiped the blood away.

"I got you good didn't I? Does it hurt? I'm sorry, this might leave a scar," he apologized.

"I'm fine. I'm Cassidy by the way, Sam's little sister," I smiled.

That was the one time James Cassells was nice to me, and I cherished every second of it. I splashed water on my face and went back to bed.

"You okay love?" Denis said sleepily.

"Yeah, I just had to use the toilet," I said as he placed his hand on my stomach again.

"Oh okay. Good night love," he said before falling back asleep.

"Good night," I said. I then kissed his cheek and fell back asleep.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora