(EDITED) Chapter 2: Your Knife, My Back

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Cassidy's POV

"I tell you this everyday. You're nothing but a whore. A big pathetic whore," James spat in my face. I felt tears running down my cheeks.

"I know. I am sorry," I said before running into the bathroom. I sat on the floor and cried for what seemed like hours. I heard Danny telling at James and a loud sigh, and Danny knocked on the door.

"Come in," I quietly said.

"Hey Cassidy. Dry your eyes. You'll be okay," Dany said while opening the door.

"Hey Danny," I said quietly while wiping my tears away.


"Cassidy. Let me help you," Ben said while grabbing a box from me.

"Thanks Ben," I smiled and saw James looking at me. My smile quickly went away as I put a box down.

"What was James talking to you about?" Ben asked.

"Erm. If I was enjoying tour," I lied.

"Oh. Are you?" he asked.

"Kinda. I've been a little depressed," I admitted

"I'll talk to you later. You better go and warm up," I said noticing James was walking towards me.

"Okay! Bye Cass!" Ben said.

"Whore. I hope that smile was because you thought of me," James said.

"Um. Erm. It was," I lied.

"Good girl. Ill be keeping an eye on you while on stage," James said and walked away.

"Is she your girlfriend?" a fan asked James.

"Well yes. Yes she is," James said with a smirk. Butterflies flew around in my stomach as my cheeks grew warm. The James Cassells jus called me his girlfriend.

"Lets shed some fucking blood!" Danny screamed on stage causing the crowd to go wild.

"Some say I am the devil. It's just as well. Because I've burnt down and rebuilt hell,"I sang along with Danny. White line fever is one of my favorite songs. Well. Next to I was once, possibly, maybe, perhaps a cowboy king.

"Can I get a picture with you? You're Sam's sister right?" A fan asked.

"Of course you can and yes I am," I answered.

"That's so cool! I've read so many fan fictions about you and the lads," she said. She chuckled and I handed her phone back.

"Thank you," she smiled and walked away.


I went back to the bus as the concert ended with everything packed. I sat on the couch while James brought in a girl. He looked at me and gave me a smirk as he saw the hurt in my eyes. A few minutes later I heard moaning coming from the lounge. For some reason this hurt me. I left to my bunk and after two hours of hearing 'oh' 'ugh' 'James'. I put headphones in and blasted music. Not long after I heard him kick her off the bus.

"Just go. No. Stop it," James said while pushing her off the bus. Then I heard footsteps walking to my bunk and my curtain fly open.

"Yes cause there is no such thing as asking before opening shit," I snapped. To my surprise I found James. I immediately regretted what I just said.

"Whore. Lets go," James said to me while pulling me out of my bunk.

"Ouch James. Please stop that hurts," I begged.

"Lets go Cassidy," James commanded. I put my vans back on then he took me off the bus.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"For a walk," he said.

"We have to go to the next venue," I said.

"We're leaving in a hour. Stop complaining," he added.

"James let go," I begged.

"Stop it," James said and continued to pull me along with him.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora