(EDITED) Chapter 3: Believe

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Cassidy's POV

"I know you lied to me," James said. My heart started to beat faster.

"What are you talking about?" I asked sweetly.

"You like Ben," he said.

"As a friend," I lied. I know Ben has a girlfriend. And she is wonderful.

"God damn it Cassidy! Stop lying!" James said while smacking me across the face.

"You know what! Fuck you!" I screamed and ran back to where the busses are parked.

"Hey Cassidy. What's wrong?" Ashley asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine," I said.

"Cassidy. Why are you crying?" Ashely asked.

"I'm not crying. Ill text you later," I said before continuing to make my way back to the AA bus.

"Cassidy," James said from behind me.

"You fucking stay away from me!" I screamed and locked myself in the bathroom.

"Cassidy open the door," Sam commanded.

"Why? So your beloved James can do more horrible things to me?" I asked.

"You're a cunt!" Danny yelled a James.

"What? The whore had it coming!" James added.

"Mate! That's Sam's sister!" Ben said. Everyone was screaming at once. I then started to claw at my skin. I need my salvation. I reached underneath the sink and searched for my razor. I pulled up my shirt exposing my stomach to the cold air.

'They'll never notice until you're gone," I whispered to myself. After I was finished, I cleaned up my blood and put my razor back.

I unlocked the door and walked out.

"I'm okay now," I said as I left the bathroom. They stopped shouting and looked at me.

"You're a fucking saint if you put up with James," Cameron said.

"Can we just let this be? Stop yelling at James," I said and sat on the couch.

"Cass you okay?" Ben asked.

"Benjamin. I'm never okay," I answered and stared into space.

"You don't deserve to be treated like that. Especially by James," Danny said.

"It is what it is," I said.

"Cassidy. Next venue you and I are going to go to a nice restaurant. Just the two of us," Ben  added.

"Okie," i said and a smile grew across my face.

Me: hey ash can I stay the night with you?
Ash: of course Hun. Come over the door is unlocked.

I put some clothing in a bag and walked off of the bus without telling anyone where I was going. I walked onto the black veil brides bus and saw Juliet.

"Hey Juliet," i smiled.

"Hey cass," Juliet smiled back. I went to the bunk too. And called for Ashely.

"In this one," ashley said and stuck his hand out of the curtain. I giggled and opened the curtain.

"So I'm sleeping with you?" I asked.

"Yeah. Unless you wanna sleep on the floor," he joked. I crawled into the bunk and immediately fell back asleep.
The next morning I went back to 'my' bus and was tackled by Benji the Cow. I giggled and tried to push him off of me. He started tickling me and nibbling my skin.

"Sam!" I screamed while I was getting attacked by Ben.

"What?!" Sam asked

"Save me from the fat ass twat we call Benjamin!" I screamed.

"Wow. I'm a twat now? I thought we were friends," Ben said while getting off me.

"Not only a twat. But a fat ass," Cameron said.

"Oh! I should get ready!" I said.

"Oh yeah! You got your date with Ben!" Sam said. I looked over at James and he gave me a disgusted look. Honestly. I'm done with him right now.

"Yup!" I Said while popping the 'p'.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora