Chapter 14: Goodbye Graceful

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"I love you," Sam said as i walked away from him. Don't look back. I boarded the plane and took a deep breath. Touring is all I've ever known. I will have to find somewhere else to go. Somewhere far away. But how far is far away? Ukraine. That's where I'll go. Will he ever find us there?

This is going to be the longest hours of my life. It can't be that bad in England. Well... Not from what i remember.

James's POV

She is gone. She is actually gone. I have to find her. Keep an eye on her. She is pregnant with my baby. So I do have every right to worry. I know she's going to run. That's what she is good at. Pathetic. What can she possibly have to offer to make this baby happy? Me. I have everything. I had everything. I don't have her. I fucked it up. I fuck everything up. She will come back. She always does. She is going to realize she can't make it on her own and come back begging on her knees. She will go to Sam. Actually. Ben. Her dearest Ben. That cunt. He took her away from me. He takes everything. Everything.

Time to start drinking again. It's only 2 pm, but hey that is the perfect time to start drinking. We're all a bunch of drunk. I don't understand why Cassidy cared so much about me. When she should worry about Danny. Danny performs drunk. Half of the time you cant even understand him. What a waste of talent. At least I play sober and get drunk after.

Now that I don't have Cassidy nagging at me 24/7, i can sleep with who ever I want. But its not her. I can't hold her small figure anymore, can't place my hand on her stomach or talk to it. I miss her. She only left a hour ago and i miss her. I miss her scent.

I go and lay in my bunk and pull the covers over my head. Inhaling her scent that was left behind. Her peaches and sweet tea perfume is the best thing i could ever smell. She loves tea. Always has always will. I love her. I fucked up big time. I want her back.

"Fuck!' I screamed while hitting the bunk above me. Tears filled my eyes at the thought of me not seeing her again. I want to hold her close and tell her that I fucked up. Cassidy I will find you.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora