Chapter 20: We're Back Again

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"Denis I can't run from him forever," I said.

"But it's putting your safety on the line," he said.

"I'll be fine. Now stay in the bedroom until you hear me say so please," I said. He nodded and kissed my cheek. He shut the door behind him and I sighed. It's now or never.

It was raining outside. I love the rain, it seems so peaceful. A knock interrupted my thoughts. I slowly walked to the door and saw a soaking wet James. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. I squeaked at his sudden movement.

"Cassidy," he breathed.

"James. I," was all I managed to say before he smashed his lips onto mine. I quickly pulled away.

"Right. You have a boyfriend," he sighed.

"Come in?" I questioned. He nodded and walked through the door.

"Is he here?" He asked.

"Y-yes. Um. Would you like to meet him?" I asked.

"Cassidy. I came here because I want you. I miss you," he said.

"James. No I can't be with you. Not after what you've done to me. I'm happy now," I said.

"Cassidy. Please. I can't live without you. I need you. Without you I can't go on," he said.

"James stop. This is wrong. It's all wrong. Me being with you in the first place is wrong," I added.

"You can't do this to me Cassidy. You're mine. You will always be mine. I can't sit here and watch you with another guy," he said.

"No one ever told you that you had to watch. You can simply move on," I said.

"No I can't Cassidy. Don't you understand that I want you?"

"James no."

"Cassidy. Please. I don't want to be on this god forsaken earth without you," he said as he collapsed on his knees. My eyes swelled with tears. I can't do this.

"James. You can have any girl. What is so special about me?" I cried. He wrapped his arms
Around my waist and placed his forehead on my stomach.

"I don't know. There. There's something about you. You make me feel weak. Maybe that's why I hurt you because I didn't want to feel weak. But if I have to be weak to be with you I will," he said.

"James I can't be with you. I'm with Denis."

"Leave him. For me. For us," he begged.

"James I can't. I love him. He takes care of me. He wants to raise the baby as his," I said.

"What? You're going to allow that?" He asked.

"Well yeah James. What do you expect? I'm in a relationship with him. I want him to raise the baby. I don't want you to. James you're a drunk. You're in a band. When will you ever have time for this baby?" I asked.

"When we're not touring. I haven't drank. I haven't touched a single drop of alcohol in weeks. I'm changing. I'm changing for you," he said.

"James. I gave you your chances. You fucked those up. I'm not taking you back, now get up please," I said. He kissed my stomach and stood back up. He softly caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead.

"I promise I will get you back, even if it's the death of me," he said before letting go of my face. I looked up and saw that he was crying. I've never seen him cry.

"I love you Cassidy," he said before leaving my house. I took a few seconds to gather myself together. I went into my bedroom and saw Denis laying on the bed. He quickly got up and walked to me. I threw my arms around him and started to sob.

"It's okay love," he cooed.

"what are we?" I asked.

"We're friends. We're a couple," he smiled.

"Why would he do this to me?" I cried.

"Because he cares," he whispered.

"Denis. Don't leave me."

"I won't," he said and kissed my cheek, "now let's go to bed."

I laid and bed and felt Denis wrap his arms around me as I placed my head on his chest.

"I'm not going anywhere," he reassured.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora