Chapter 17:Disasterology

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Hey guys! So I saw AA last night. I cried when James came out. Oops. That always happens. We even got a squad picture. Thought I'd share that with you guys! Stay cloudy and may the force be with you!
-Alexandrea Cassells💙

James's POV

"Damn it Sam. Just tell me where she is," I begged.

"Mate. She doesn't want you in her life. I can't betray my baby sister," Sam said.

"Please Sam. I need her," I begged once again.

"James. No. Get over my sister. You can have any girl you want except my sister."

"I agree with him. All you did was hurt her," Ben said.

"I was drunk," I said.

"That's not an excuse to hit a girl!" Danny added.

"Mate. Just get over her. She doesn't want you anymore," Cameron said.

"It's not that easy!" I said while storming off the bus. I'm being such a little bitch. But I want her. I miss her. I need her. I have to find her.

"Mate. Get back on the bus," Sam said.

"Just leave me alone for five goddamn minutes," I said. I heard him sigh as the door shut. How am I going to get Cassidy back?

Cassidy's POV

"Haha Denis. Don't do that. It tickles," I said as Denis ran his finger tips across my stomach.

"Can I name her?" Denis asked.

"Yes you can name it. But I don't even know what it is," I said.

"It's a girl," he smiled.

"Noooo," I said causing Denis to smile.

"Yes it is. And she's gonna be gorgeous like her mum," Denis added.

"Nope," I said with a smile.

"Why do you want a boy?" He asked.

"Cause. I just do," I answered.

"That's not a reason silly," he said while laying his head next to mine.

"Well. Because I want a boy. I've always wanted a son," I added.

"Hmmm. I'll help you either way," he said while placing a kiss on my cheek. I don't know what we are. We flirt, but call each other best friend. Denis is always at my house. Or always at his. I know I didn't want a relationship, but I think I'm going to get one. Denis is kind to me. He hasn't done anything to hurt me. Yet. We've only known each other for a little more than two months. But I have to say. I am in love with him. Very much. All my feelings I had for James got flushed down the toilet.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora