Chapter 24: Just The Way You Are

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"Uh Denis?" I questioned waking up from my sleep.

"Yes love?" He looked at me.

"Uh. I'm eight and a half months pregnant right?" I asked.

"Yes why?" He answered.

"I'm 100% sure my water just broke," I answered.

"Oh shit. Okay. Kay well. Let's head to the hospital and I'll call your brother and the rest of the guys," he said quickly.

"Denis. Help me up," I added as he quickly ran over to the couch and pulled me to my feet. He helped me to the car and ran back inside and grabbed the little suit case that we had packed for this reason.

"Okay. Breathe," Denis said.

"I'm fucking breathing," I growled.

"Not you me!" He said throwing his hands up and backing out of the driveway.

"Hey Siri. Call Sam," Denis said as his car started to dial my brothers number.

"What's up Denis?" Sam asked.

"Mate. Cassidy's water broke. You need to come to the hospital immediately," Denis said.

"Fuck! Okay. Guys. We need to go! Cassidy's water broke!" Sam said before hanging up.

"Denis hurry!" I squealed.

"I'm trying love. Calm down," he said and I looked at him.

"Don't. You. Tell. Me. To. Calm. Down," I said between breaths.

"Cassidy. C'mon," he said while while opening my door. We walked inside and found a nurse. She placed me in a wheelchair and pushed me into a room.

"Denis. James and Sam. Please," I said and he knew what I meant. The nurse changed me into a gown and laid me on a bed.

"Cassidy," James smiled.

"You fucking dick!" I cried.

"Whoa Cassidy," Sam said.

"Why did you have to get me pregnant. It hurts so bad," I cried.

"Ms. Bettley. You're not completely dilated. But would you like a spinal tap?" A nurse questioned and I nodded. Fuck life. I sat up as the nurse inserted a long needle into my back and placing a band-aid over the small area.

"James. Don't leave," I begged.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora