Chapter 23: I Wont Tell A Soul

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Me: Danny why?
Danny: I'm sorry Cassidy. I wanted to tell you
Me: Danny do you not understand what you have just done?
Danny: I'm sorry. It's just not what I'm happy doing anymore. Please understand that they want to find someone good. Forgive me
Me: Danny. This is selfish. What about your fans? The ones you promised that you'd never leave
Danny: this can be a wake up call

"Love. Are you sure?" Denis asked.

"If it's what you want. Then you can do it," I said.

"Thank you thank you!" He said while embracing me in a hug.

"Denis. Be careful with James," I said.

"Love. He's not going to hurt me," he smiled, "look all you need to worry about is taking care of the baby. It will be here soon. Two months actually."

"I know Denis. But I'm worried," I added.

"I know love. But don't worry. I'm here for you."

"Hey. I gotta go do something. I'll be back later on okay?" He said. I nodded and placed a kiss on his cheek.

James: may I come over?
Me: oh. Well I guess. Denis just left somewhere.
James: okay. I'll be there soon
Me: okay


"Hi," I said as I answered the door to James.

"Hey there," he smiled.

"So. Why did you wanted to come over?" I asked.

"Cassidy. Denis is using you," he said.

"Haha that's funny. No he's not James. You're trying to get between us," I laughed.

"Cassidy no. Please. I'm telling the truth. He's using use. He's using you to get in Asking," James said.

"James. Denis didn't know about Danny leaving until a few days ago. Denis has been with me before Danny even told you guys," I said.

"I know that. But now he's using Danny as an open opportunity to become famous," he added.

"James. Denis isn't like that. I think you need to leave," I said.

"Cassidy. I'm not leaving you again," he said coming closer to me. He placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me.

"James please," I whispered.

"I've missed you. And I know you missed me," he said.

"James we can't," I said.

"We can keep it a secret," he begged.

"What about Denis. What if he finds out?" I asked worryingly.

"He's not going to find out. And if he does, tell him I'm the one who came to you," he said.

"James. We can't tell anyone," I whispered.

"Shh I know baby girl," he said while placing a kiss on my jaw.

"What about tour and the baby?"

"I'll be on tour. And when we're not touring, you tell Denis that you're going to see your brother. Leave Denis home, bring the baby and come see me," he said, "God i missed you so much."

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora