Chapter 7: You Stupid Fucking Whore

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Cassidy's POV

I laid asleep on the bus, wanting to catch up on sleep, when I heard moans.

"Can you guys not fuck right next to my bunk?" I shouted angrily.

"Caissdy, come to the living room," Sam said.

"But Sammie. I want to sleep in my bunk," I whined.

"Quit being a damn child. You're not gonna be happy when you see who comes out of that bunk," Sam added.

"James?!" I screamed and opened the bunk curtain to find James fucking a whore, "so I'm not allowed to look at a guy but you're allowed to fuck someone? Wow. I'm done. Sam, the next stop I'm heading back to England and I want this stupid fucking man-whore out of my life for good!"

"Well maybe no one wants you here!" James spat in my face while pulling his pants on.

"Woah! Mate! Don't get in her face like that!" Sam said shoving him away from me.

"Cass c'mon honey," Ben said while leading me to the lounge. I sat down with my face between my hands and started to cry.

"How could I be so stupid to think he actually cared about us?" I said between sobs.

"He might not care.  But I do. You mean the world to all of us and I don't want you to go," Ben said.

"Benjamin. I'm not happy here. Not with him. To be honest. I don't want the baby to know James. I want it to know the rest if you guys because you do care. But I just don't want him anywhere near me. I'm sorry but I'm going home tomorrow," I added.

"Text me everyday okay cass? And tell me when your appointments are for the baby so I can try to fly down there. I want to be part of its life," he said and kissed my forehead.

"But you're not the father," I said quietly.

"That's okay. I can still act like I am," he said causing me to smile.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora