Chapter 22: No Rain

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Ben's POV

"How you feeling mate?" I questioned.

"Like utter less shit," James answered. 

"I know. Im sorry mate. How about you tell me the story how you guys first met, your first everything," he suggested.

"Well, when we got Sam to join the band, he brought Cassidy. My belt wasn't working right so it stuck out a bit. Cassidy ran into me and fell, when she fell she cut her chin on my belt. I helped her clean it up. About a year later, for Cams birthday, I continued to stare at her. I knew I had to have her. But she was only 16, and I was 18, I still kissed her. I never felt so weak in my life. A while after we started to tour, I let her drink. We got a little drunk and we ended up sleeping together. I remember waking up and being so mad at myself for sleeping with Sam's baby sister. And well I wanted someone that I can't have," I said.

"What else?"

"She's just everything to me," I smiled.

"Maybe you can go visit her today. Since we're going to be here for a few days," Ben Suggested.

"You know what. Let's do that. You and I," I smiled.

"Kay. Well let me put my trousers on," he said causing me to laugh. I completely forgot that he wasn't wearing trousers.


"Benjamin!" Cassidy squealed as she opened the door.

"Hello gorgeous," he said.

"James," she nodded.

"Come in," I heard a voice say from behind her.

"Ah. You must be Denis," Ben chirped.

"Yes I. And you must be the infamous Ben, and you are?" Denis questioned.

"I'm James," I answered.

"So, Cassidy we need to talk to you. It's about Danny," Ben said. Fuck. I completely forgot about Danny. He wants to leave. Asking isn't his 'thing' anymore.

"Well come sit down," she said.

"God. Look at that stomach!" Ben laughed while placing his hand on it. His eyes got wide and looked at me. Cassidy grabbed my hand and placed it next to Ben's, and then I felt it. I felt my son gently kick his mother. I looked up with the biggest smile and laughed.

"Oh my god," I smiled.

"Crazy isn't it?" Denis asked. Denis doesn't seem like a bad person to be honest. He may be with the love of my life, but we might be able to become friends.

"So. Now what about Danny?" She asked.

"Cassidy. Danny has been there for day one of the band. Well. I don't know how to put this. He's leaving the band and that leaves us with no singer. We need to find a singer. You have told me that Denis can sing. If you want to be in the band mate, just ask. We will pick from a variety of people, we just need someone new," Ben said. Cassidy's jaw hung low as she looked at us all.

"Danny. Oh god. Ben. This could be the end of Asking. What if we can't find someone as good or better to replace Danny. I. We. Denis can sing. But I'm not to sure if he wants to be in Asking. And if he does, I won't be able to your anyone because of the baby. Benjamin what are going to do?" She said softly.

"We're not giving up. This band is all we have. It's all I have left. I'm not letting Asking go to shit. And maybe Danny leaving is for the best. But we will make it better," I said.

"Whoa. And you guys are considering me?" Denis questioned.

"Well yeah. Cassidy says you can sing really well, so keep in contact with us," Ben added.

"I definitely will. But I have to talk to her first," he said before lacing his fingers with Cassidy's.

"I um. May I use the bathroom?" I asked.

"Yes. Down the hallway third door to the right," Cassidy said.

I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. This is hard, seeing her with someone else. And Ben, he wants to put Denis in Asking. I can't hate him. He deserves her more than I do. He's a good guy. I just hope he takes care of her.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora