Chapter 9: Jack Daniels

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Cassidy's POV

"Cassidy. Marry me," Ben whined. The boys are drunk once again. Except James. James is attending to everyone while I try to ignore them. It's been a few days since I 'decided' I didn't want to go back to England.

"Benjamin. I will when you're sober so you know what actually happened," I joked.

"Yeah no," James said.

"Why am I not allowed to marry Ben?" I asked.

"Cause you're pregnant with my child and he's one of my closest mates," James added.

"But Jamessss," Ben sung.

"No. N. O," James added.

"I'll marry you Benjamin," I said with a cheeky smile. I then eyed the glass bottle that was now in Cameron's hands.

"No you can't have a drink," James said.

"I know!" I said out off irritation.

"So sassy," Sam slurred.

"Good night," I said while getting up and leaving to the bunk room. I changed into a long tee shirt. It's probably Danny's or Sam's. I crawled into my bunk and put my headphones in. Suddenly my bunk sunk down and my right earbud was taken out.

"Can I sleep with you?" James asked. I scooted over and he continued crawled on the bed. He warped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"You probably think I'm going to mess up aren't you?" He asked quietly.

"Actually. Yes," I said.

"I'm not going to lose you. Or this baby. We will be a family. I will find a way to make you love me. I won't mess up this time," James said.

"Is the bad-ass James Cassells going soft?" I giggled.

"Nope. Just getting hard," he said with a smile.

"So is that what's being pressed against my thigh?" I joked.

"Nah. You know... The baby is still small enough for us to do things," James said.

"That seriously made no sence."

"I know. Is it okay if I have one drink?" James asked.

"No!" I nearly shouted.

"Okay okay. I was just asking Cass."

"You always find a way to piss me off don't you?"

"I do try my best," he said while kissing my cheek.

"Why are you so touchy feelie?" I asked.

"Cause I love you."

"You don't love me."

"But I do."

"No you don't."


"I'm going to beat you up if you don't go to bed," I threatened.

"Come at me," he said while hitting his chest.

"I would. But I dot want to hit my head on the bunk above," I said.

"We can wait then," he said with a smirk.

"Go. To. Bed," I added.

"Ugh fine!" He said.


"Here," I said while handing Ben a water bottle and Tylenol.

"Mm thanks," he said then quickly drank the bottle and medicine.

"Benjamin. You asked me to marry you," I said causing his cheeks to flush scarlet.

"Psh nah," he denied.

"Psh. Yes," I said.

"I was drunk,"Ben said.

"Obviously Benjamin. Plus I wouldn't want to marry a savage like you," I teased.

"Hey. That wasn't nice Cassidy!" Ben said in a little kid voice.

"Ew. You're ugly," Sam said.

"I think he knows this," Cameron said.

"Rude!" Ben laughed.

"Awe. Give him some credit. He's pretty cute," I added.

"Or pretty ugly!" James said.

"Watch yourself Cassells," I said.

"You still wanna fight me?" James asked and I nodded.

"Do you guys not understand the definition of quiet?" Danny said with his sexy morning voice.

"Nope!" I shouted.

"Bastard," Danny said while kissing my cheek. James glared at Danny and I.

"Bestie!" I whined.

"What?" Ben asked.

"Make me food," I commanded.

"James make your baby mama food," Ben said.

"She told you to," James said.

"and I'm asking you to," Ben added.

"Whatever," James said while giving me a hug.

"Still touchy feelie!" I said while smacking him away.

"I'm not a fly," James said.

"No but you still are a pest," I added. He gave me a sad look and continued to make me a bowl of apple jacks.

"Oooo," I said while taking the bowl from James.

"Thank you?" James asked.

"Thanks!" I said with a mouth full of food.

"You're too cute," James whispered in my ear.

"Dot you think I know this?" I questioned.

"You better," James added.

----------------------------------> The song is on the right. Sorry if you don't like country but I do! Metal and country. Damn I am an odd child. So how was this chappie? Don't forget to vote, comment, and etc! So is this story still good or nah? What do you guys think Gould happen? Cassidy x James? Cassidy x Danny? Or Cassidy x Ben? Hmm the world may never know. Just kidding but tell me please!
-Alexandrea Cassells💙

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora