Chapter 26: The Reason

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Danny's POV (oml I know! Cherish it.🤗)

It was late November. Benny told us that we have a new guy named Sam and he was bringing his sister along to practice. We continuously made jokes about who was going to bone her first. Then there was a soft knock on the door. I got up from the couch and answered it. There was a young teenage girl and boy. They both had bright smiles plastered on their faces.

"Hey! I'm Sam!" The boy said. I nodded.

"Danny," I said.

"Um. This is my little sister Cassidy. Are you going to say hi or be rude?" Sam questioned his little sister.

"Hello," she whispered while looking down at her blue converse.

"Don't be shy love, we're not going to bite. Well I might but not that hard. Benny boy! Our lad is here!" I shouted and she looked up with red cheeks.


"So how old are you?" James questioned.

"Uh. 15," she answered.

"God damn, you sure do look older," Ben said.

"Babe quit flirting," I joked and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh my god. That's the best thing ever," she laughed.

"So. Here's some ideas we had," I said while handing papers to Sam. He quickly read through them and smiled.

"You wanker! I love em!" He giggled.

"I like him," Cameron smiled.

"So Cassidy. Do you play anything?" I asked.

"The drums, Sam taught me how to play the guitar," she said.

"Let's see if you're better than me," James smirked at her and tossed her his drum sticks.

"Play any song you'd like sweet heart," Ben said. She nodded and took a deep breath.

She started to play Nightmare by avenged sevenfold. She played it flawlessly, we all looked at her in awe and James didn't look to happy.

"Kay bye James," I joked.

"Oh haha, you got yourself a talented sister Sam," James said and looked at Cassidy. Cassidy got uncomfortable and walked into the kitchen. I followed her in there and heard her sigh.

"Way to blow your first impression on the lads Cassidy," she said to herself, "I wouldn't be surprised if they hated me now."

"Oh don't say that love. You're amazing. You got a great sense of humor, and to top it off your gorgeous. But we promised Sam that you were of limits," I said. She jumped and looked at me.

"God damn it Danny, why would you scare me like that you bastard!" She said as she placed a hand over her heart.

"Sorry love," I chuckled.

"Plus you guys wouldn't want me anyways. I'm too young, and no I'm not gorgeous," she said. I laughed. This girl doesn't think she's gorgeous? Well she's not. She's fucking beautiful. I want her, but I can't have her.

"You're gorgeous Cassidy, don't think different," I said and she smiled before walking out of the kitchen.

"Hey you," Ben said.

"Benny boy. I gotta have her," I said while raking my fingers through my hair.

"I think we all want her," Ben sighed.

"This isn't a joke anymore," I said while gently tugging at my jet black hair.

"I know. Then again, she's still younger than us, and well we're all 17. Wouldn't that be weird?" Ben asked.

"I've heard the younger girls like the older guys," I said.

That was the day I knew I wanted Cassidy Rain Bettley. It's too late for me now, but it's better that we keep our distance.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora