Chapter 25: Unbelieveable

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"Sir you must leave," a nurse said.

"No please. I want them both here," I begged.

"Who is the father?" The nurse asked.

"We both are," Denis said.

"Ms. We only allow one person in the delivery room," she said.

"God dammit. Just let them both stay in here," I spat. She nodded and walked to the doctor. Denis held my right hand as James held my left. I started to push and squeeze both of their hands. Turning their hands a pale white as I felt them flinch from the pain.

"C'mon Ms, one more push," a nurse said as I pushed and screamed in agony. Then everything went quiet. Moments later I heard the sound of a baby cry.

"Do you have a name for him?" James said.

"Oliver Alexandrovich, and I believe she wanted Cassells. If that is okay with you," Denis answered.

"That is wonderful," James smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"Ms. Would you like to hold him?" The nurse questioned. I quickly nodded and held my arms out. She handed me him and inspected his features. The Bettley nose, with the Cassells perfect face structure. I looked at James and started to tear up.

"We did well," he whispered in my ear.

"I'm going to go see if the lads want to see him," Denis said and I nodded.

"Oliver," James smiled.

"He is stunning," I said while wiping tears off my face.

"Oh my god! Look at him!" Sam said while walking into the room.

"My god. He's so damn small!" Benjamin added.

"What's his name?" Sam questioned.

"Oliver Alexandrovich Cassells," James smiled and I handed him the baby. Oliver wrapped his hand around James's pinky causing James to smile. He placed a kiss on his cheek before the nurse came in. She took him and did what they had to do with the male babies. Aka circumcision. Poor boy.

"He is a good looking little lad," Cameron said as they all surrounded me.

"I still can't feel my hand," Denis joked.

"I'm sorry," I said as I held his hand. What a weird ass love triangle.

"So what's the deal with tour?" I asked.

"We just finished it. We told the fans that were not finishing so we all have time so spend with Oliver. I mean his four uncles and two dads need to spoil the shit out of him before we do anything else, speaking of that. Denis, James, let's go," Sam said while hugging me.

"Bye love," Denis and James said at the same time.

"Don't worry we're staying here," Cameron said.


"Benjamin I'm hungry," I said.

"Well I know you won't eat the shitty hospital food," he said.

"Well obviously you wanker, go get me some actual food," I said and he nodded.

"Do you need anything?" Cameron asked.

"I need you to come lay with me so I can cuddle," I said and he smiled. He laid next to me. It was weird or anything, Cameron is like my other brother, so therefore it isn't weird to cuddle with him.

James, Sam, and Denis have been gone since 4 o'clock, it's now 8, I wonder what they are doing. Maybe Sam murdered them both.

"Cam?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Have you guys talked to Danny?" I asked. I know Danny wanted to see the baby. He wanted to be here. I don't want him to feel like he's not welcomed since he isn't part of Asking anymore.

"Not really, we text 'hey' to each other every now and then, but that's about it," he added.

"I'm gonna call him," I said while grabbing my phone off of the bedside table.

Me: Danny I miss you.
Danny: hey there, I miss you too. How's the baby? When is it gonna be here?
Me: Danny, it's here. I had Oliver a few hours ago
Danny: oh god. Cassidy I'm so sorry I didn't make it there. No one ever contacted me. Please forgive me
Me: It's fine mate. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to see him.
Danny: what's his name? How much does he weigh? What does he look like?
Me: Oliver Alexandrovich Cassells, 5lbs 7 oz, he has the Bettley nose and James's facial structure
Danny: my my. A tiny lad isn't he? God I bet he's going to be a little heart breaker like James
Me: oh yeah.
Danny: love can I call you back later on? I'm kinda busy at the moment
Me: yeah okay. Bye Dan
Danny: bye Cassidy

"He still cares," I said to myself as Ben came in with a bag of food. He handed me the food and I quickly opened it and devoured the contents of the bag.

"Thanks Benjamin," i smiled. The nurse came back in with a sleeping Oliver. Mother of Vic Fuentes, he has a full head of brown hair. He is amazing. I did amazing. We did amazing. My James. My dearest James,
I love him so much.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora