Chapter 29: Streetlights & Silhouettes

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Cameron's POV

"I don't care. You shouldn't have yelled at her like that," I said to James as I put my jacket on. I slipped on a random pair of vans and went out into the cold fall night to look for Cassidy.

Cassidy ran off because James yelled at her. The reason why he yelled at her was because a boy brought her home, and he said something that he shouldn't have said.  Walking down the neighborhood sidewalk, I saw streetlights that were slowly dying. I shivered and questioned how Cassidy could be out here when it's so cold.

Ever since Sam and Cassidy's parents died, I felt like it was my responsibility to watch over them. So I feel like Cassidy is my baby sister. And I have to find a way to protect her.

"Cassidy dear," I called out and I saw a silhouette in the park grass. I made my way over there and saw Cassidy with her face in her hands. She looked at me and sniffled. I say by her and pulled her close to me.

"You know he didn't mean to say that right?" I questioned.

"Cameron. He called me a whore. Do you not know what it feels like to have feelings for someone and have them call you names?" She questioned.

"Cass. He may be a cunt, but he does mean well. I promise," I said and felt her shiver. I took off my jacket and handed it to her.

"Now let's go home before we freeze our arses off," I said and she nodded.

The whole walk back home Cassidy explained to me how she felt about James. And the reason why a boy brought her home. I nodded and told her that I wasn't upset.

"I'm always here for you Cassidy. Running from something that your scared of should not be an option," I said and she nodded. I embraced her in a tight hug and she went off to her room. I followed her in there and she talked to me for a bit longer until she fell asleep.

Cassidy may not be my blood related sister, but she is part of my family and I wouldn't change that.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora