Chapter 5: Hold Your Breath my Dear

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James' POV

     Cassidy and Ben left to god knows where. I wouldn't say I'm jealous. Cassidy will get punished. I am the only man she needs in her life, well except Sam. She needs someone to tell her what to do. She is a woman and needs a male figure in her life, one that she can obey at least.

    I will punish her. I will be her Christian and she will be my Anastasia. The quiet ones are always the ones who like everything rough. And I will give it to her rough.

   I am all she needs.

    All she needs. 

    She won't leave me. And if she does. I will come back. I'll always come back. I'll punish her for leaving so she won't leave again.

   I am her god. He one and only.

Cassidy's POV

"Did you have fun Cass?" Ben asked sweetly.

"Of course benjamin! I always enjoy spending time with you!" I said with a smile.

"Maybe we can do this again," Ben Suggested.

"That is a great idea," I said while walking back into the bus.

"Hey guys! No one got pregnant right?" Sam asked.

"Nope," Ben added then I started to loose balance.

"Whoa! Cassidy are you okay?" Danny asked.

"I just got really light headed. I should lay down," I said and Ben followed me.

"Cassidy. Are you going to tell me what happened between you as James?" Ben asked.

"We just talked," I lied.

"Cassidy. We both know what happened," Ben added.

"If you know what happened then why are you asking me?" I questioned.

"Because I want to hear you say it," he said.

"I. Slept. With. James. Better?" I asked.

"God damn it Cassidy. Have you ever thought that he could have got you pregnant?" Ben said. Pregnant? Me?

"Benjamin I'm not pregnant!" I shouted.

"We will see about that," Ben added while walking away from me. I'm not pregnant. James did not get me pregnant. I'm just tired. Really tired.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora