Chapter 18: The Boy Who Could Fly

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I can't fall in love with Denis. Benjamin promised me that he will come back for me. But how long will I have to wait? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? I love Benjamin to death, but I don't know. I just don't know. I miss the lads. All of them. They're your family. They were.
Keyword. We're.

Danny. Oh how I miss my Danny. We secretly had something between us. No one knows. We were in love. He promised me that he'll never leave me. I'm the one who left. I had to, James was hurting me.

James is right though. I'm a whore. A fucking whore. Had a secret relationship with Danny, lead Ben on, and got knocked up by James. Fuck. I basically had a thing with the whole band.

"I'm such a terrible person," I said aloud. Denis looked at me with a concerned look.

"Don't say that," he said.

"I am though Denis. I basically slept with the whole band," I said.

"You didn't sleep with Cameron," he added.

"I made out with him," I said.

"How much do you want to bet you were drunk?" He questioned.

"I was," I answered still feeling guilty.

"Now I know for a fact that you didn't sleep with your brother."

"No I didn't," I answered.

"See. You're not a terrible person. You have made mistakes and one of those mistakes gave you a gift," he said. I placed my head on his shoulder as he pulled me closer to him.

"Now get ready so we can find out the gender," he smiled. I got up from the bed and headed towards the closet.  I pulled out a pair of leggings, Attila 'Suck my Fuck' shirt and a pair of vans. I quickly got dressed and fixed my hair. Denis laid on the bed the whole time watching me which caused my cheeks to turn shades of pink and red.

"Kay. We can go now," I said and he got up. He intertwined his fingers with mine and we walked out the door.


"You must be the father," the doctor said.

"That's me," Denis chirped.

"Okay. Now you see that? That is an arm, this would be a leg, and well. I think you both know what this is," the doctor said.

"We're having a boy," I squealed.

"Now I'll let you guys process this news, and you guys can leave when you're ready." The doctor said before exiting the room.

"Can I just name him after you?" I questioned.

"Unless you don't like my name. Which is Denis Alexandrovich Shaforostov," he smiled.

"Well. I have time," I smiled.

"Yes we do have time," he smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek.

James's POV

"Guess what!" Sam sung.

"What?" Cameron questioned.

"It's a boy!" Sam said. I'm having a son. We're going to play the drums together and do what father and sons do.

"I'm having a son," I smiled.

"Cassidy and her boyfriend are having a son," Danny corrected.

"Boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yeah. A guy she met. They're a couple," Danny added.

"Where in the hell is she? She belongs with me!" I angrily said.

"Mate calm down. She moved on. Now I think it's your turn," Cameron said.

"No. I'm not going to calm down and I'm most definitely not going to move on. How do I know if this guy will be good to my son? How will I know that he is capable of taking care of them both?" I questioned.

"That's not your business mate," Ben said.

"Yes it is. I have every right to know if my son will be raised in a good environment."

"Like living with you will be any better? You beat the shit out of Cassidy, your son will grow to know that it's okay to hit women. That is not okay. Cassidy's boyfriend is not like that. He actually cares about them both. She isn't there for him to just mess around with like you did. You had your chance and you lost it. Not once, twice. But three fucking times!" Sam shouted.

"Sam. Calm down," Cameron said while pulling him away from me. Sam broke from Cameron's grip and punched me in my face.

"You fucking leave my baby sister alone!" Sam growled. I wiped my nose and saw blood on my hand. I did deserve that. I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. Sam didn't punch me hard enough to bruise me but only hard enough to give me a bloody nose. He is right. I've put Cassidy through hell. But I deserve her. I am fucking James Arthur Cassells. Okay maybe we can leave my middle name out of this. I can get any girl I want. And I want Cassidy. I will get her back. But I have to find where she is, and who her boyfriend is.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora