Chapter 12: stubborn love

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Cassidy's POV
*two months later*
"Please don't touch me," I said to James. He looked at me and frowned.

"I'm sorry. But it's getting beyond hot on this bus," I added.

"I understand babe. You are four months pregnant," he smiled.

"Do you want me to turn the fan on?" Cameron asked.

"Would you please," I smiled and he went to turn the air conditioner on. Hallelujah. Preach good news about Danny's beard.

"Gosh that fills so nice," I said as the cool air hit my skin.

"Can I touch you now?" James asked.


"Stubborn love," he said and kissed my cheek. I quickly whipped it away and got off the couch. Stretching my arms I groaned.

"I just need a bigger shirt so my belly doesn't stick out," I complained.

"I'd give you mine. But I don't really wear shirts," James said.

"Here," Danny said while tossing me his favorite Poison shirt.

"Thanks Dan," I smile while walking into the bathroom to change. I put on his shirt which fit just right but normally it would hand low. My belly is getting humongous for only being four months pregnant. Seriously. This is beyond crazy.

"Fits you just right," Danny said while messing up my hair.

"Don't touch me!" I added.

"She's being stubborn," James said with a smirk.

Intoxicated *James Cassells* BEING EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora