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I'm all to familiar when it comes to pain. 

Physical and Emotional especially.

As a child I was always outside from dawn to dusk. I would run around playing tag with other kids, or go bike riding until I felt like passing out because I had no energy left. I was going, going, going all day thus it resulted in a few scrapes, bruises and rest days on the couch. 

But I feel like Emotional pain seems to be the worst.

I've gone through some emotional pain but the more recent ones seem to be the worst.

Its been four months, and I still catch myself staring off into space. I still advert my eyes when I see you in the halls, I still get this gut wrenching feeling in my stomach when I pass you.

It feels like a death.

Even though I see you almost everyday, the pain is still the same. Though I imagine it will change one day, it still hurts.

Thinking back on it years from now, it won't hurt. It'll just be something I had to get through in my life.

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