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Today I should be running up to you with a smile on my face saying "Hey, do you know what today is?" Today we should of been celebrating. Today we should of been laughing and smiling together. Today we should of hung out at lunch and talk about how fast the year has gone.

Today, however, we didn't do anything. Today we're not friends. Today, I hung out with my friends like any other day, except just without you.

Today I feel conflicted. Today I feel conflicted, because I don't know how to feel when it comes to you. Today, I don't know whether to smile because we had a good relationship or stop and try to go over what went wrong.

Today, I don't know If I still have yet to cry. Today, I don't know if I'll cry myself to sleep over what happened.

But what I do know, is that Tomorrow, I'll be okay.

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