An Apology

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"Do you support the president?" The female newscaster asked me.

I tried my best to stay away from politics, but with the current events unfolding in the country the question was bound to come up. Never less, my smile didn't falter.

"I love Obama!" I said, my smile flashing. My response got quite a few yells of agreement from the crowd and I turned my smile towards them. From the corner of my eye, I could see the newscaster frown in disapproval of my answer.

Now being on the topic and being the women I am, I wasn't going to let her off the hook.

"In 2008, you as an American society voted in the first black president in the history of your country. That's an amazing step forward. In June 2015, him and his administration legalized gay marriage enabling citizens to love who they want to love. They also created Obamacare, an affordable health insurance plan for those whose incomes can't possibly cover the expenses of American healthcare. Not to mention, the Obama's were the least controversial presidential family in the history of the country and what did you turn around and do?" My face flushed, the viewers and audience hanging on to my every word.

"You in return voted in a racist, homophobic, misogynistic man who is setting your country back to the sixties," I steadily looked into women's eye who sat across from me. She visibly blanched, realizing I had caught her reaction earlier.

"Now I want everyone watching this right now or if you're in the audience to go home and write an apology to the Obamas and his entire administration. After all the fantastic and prosperous bills, regulations, passed and this is how you repay them? The disrespect is uncalled for."

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