Chapter 3

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I was holding my beautiful baby boy at 1:26 A.M. and Nathan had his arm resting around my shoulders. "I've been waiting all day to meet you." I said quietly as he opened his eyes for the first time. Liam Allen Jefferson had light brown hair just like his daddy and blue eyes just like me. Nathan pressed a light kiss to Liam's forehead.

"He's beautiful." Nathan said.

"Of course he looks like his daddy."

"Nah." His lips met mine in a kiss. "You did great baby."

"Do you want him in here or in the nursery?" the nurse Krista asked.

"He can stay in here." I said looking at Nathan who nodded in agreement.

"Okay. The grandparents stayed awake just to see baby Liam. Are you up for visitors?"

"I'm exhausted." I said.

"I'll take him out to the hallway to meet everyone and be back in within 5 minutes." Nathan said.


I carefully took Liam from his mommy and carried him to the door. The nurse held it open for me. My mom and dad awed over him instantly and Leah's parents did the same when they entered the hallway. "This is Liam Allen. As you can see his takes after his mommy." I said.

"You got that right." My dad joked. "You two did very well. He looks good and very healthy for being a premature little fella."

"Congratulations." My mom said.

"Can I hold him?"

"Leah hasn't given the authorization." I said. "I don't want her to kick my ass."

"Oh, I washed my hands and I'm not sick." Her mom said. I let her take Liam. "He's such a beautiful baby boy."

At around 10:30 with some feedings every hour, Leah was about as awake as can be. Liam was in the nursery for the time being and Leah was down at the reception. I had been there, but I was at the nursery window looking at my little man. I felt a hand touch my back. "Couldn't stay away either?" Leah asked.

"Nope." I said.

"Well, the nurse said that we can go home anytime now. Liam is doing great and I wouldn't mine going home to sleep in our own bed." She said. "Doctor cleared it as well."


"Moms and dads are bringing the food from the reception to the house, the leftovers that is."


"Single word answers. You aren't mad at me about yesterday are you?"

"No, just tired."

Two weeks later, I was leaning in the doorway of the bathroom watching Nathan with Liam in the bathtub. Nathan needed a shower so he decided that taking a bath with Liam would work out. Liam's head was being supported by Nathan's hand. Nathan had such the lightest touch with Liam and he was so careful to even move. I grabbed one of the towels my mom bought especially for Liam. Nathan handed Liam to me and I wrapped him in the towel and carefully dried him off. Nathan finished up and got out. He dried off and put on a pair of shorts.

I put Liam on the changing table and used some baby powder for his diaper. He just loved the stuff. I put a diaper on him and put him in one of his onesies. "If he keeps growing like this we'll need to get him new clothes already."

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