Chapter 10

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By my 15th week, Nathan and I were looking at a new place to live.  We didn't have space at our current house for a nursery.  We had a three bedroom, one bathroom house.  The baby could stay in our room, but not full time.

One night, Nathan was on his way home from a meeting that was held a few hours away.  I was asleep on the couch, Lena was asleep beside me.  An extremely loud crash woke me up.  I then saw the whole front half of the house begin to cave in.  I pulled my screaming daughter off the couch and shielded her from the debris.


The taxi stopped.  I looked and saw police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances in front of my house.  I paid the driver and grabbed my things.  I ran as fast as I could.  "LEAH!"  I saw Greg being put into a police car.  I ran over to where Leah was being treated at.  She saw me and took a few steps to meet me.  I held her tight.  She breathed a sigh of relief as I held her.  "Are you alright?"  I asked holding her face between my hands.  She nodded.  "The kids?"  She nodded again and I hugged her tight.

Leah reached 20 weeks and we were moving into another house.  Leah was sitting up in our room at the new house when I walked in.  "So, what do you think baby?"

"I like it."  I said.


I was napping on the couch one day, Nathan and I were waiting to find out what the gender of our baby was.  He was outside with the kids letting them play in the sprinkler.  "LIAM!"  Nathan yelled.  "LIAM?!"  he came inside.  He shook my arm.  "Leah, call the police."

"What's wrong?"

"Liam's missing."

I was sitting on the couch while Nathan talked to the police.  His mom was sitting beside me rubbing  back.  I was having a panic attack, my head in my hands.


I walked by Leah's new place and saw all of the cops.  They were looking for their little boy.  I continued my walk home.  I went inside, Leah's mother was sitting here with Liam.  "Are the cops all over the place now?"

"Yes."  I said.  I felt bad, seeing Liam crying for Leah.  Why was I letting her do this?  I was kidnapped at a young age and Jared returned me home to my mother and father.  Ryan would not be happy about this.  He was owner of a partnering company that Nathan worked at.


"I'm sorry."  Nathan said.  I looked up from my hands resting on my baby bump.  "Lena fell on the sidewalk and she was bleeding.  I was checking on her and I didn't even know that Liam made it through the fence.  Nina started barking and I looked all over the place.  Leah, I'm so very sorry."  He walked over to me and hugged me.  I rested my cheek against his shoulder and closed my eyes.

It was the day after Liam's birthday and he was still missing.  I was in labor.  Nathan was holding my hand as I made it through my contractions.


I was holding Liam while he slept, carrying him along.  I saw Nathan's truck at the hospital and walked into the emergency room doors.  I saw Nathan's parents sitting in the waiting room.  "Excuse me?"

"LIAM!"  Linda said taking him from me.

"Grandma!"  he hugged her.

"I need to speak with Nathan and Leah."

"Leah's in labor.  Calvin, will you go get Nathan and stay with Leah."

Nathan came walking down the hallway.  "Daddy!"  Linda put Liam down and he ran to Nathan.  Nathan picked him up and hugged him tight.  It had been over four months and Leah and Nathan weren't around whenever I tried to take Liam home.  Nathan looked at me.

"I know what you're thinking.  I didn't take your son.  I found him and tried my best to bring him back home."

"Who had him?"  Nathan asked.

"You really want to know?"  Nathan nodded.

"Leah's mother."  I said.

"You are always looking for a way to hurt me or Leah.  You 're changing now?"

"When I was about Liam's age, I was kidnapped by my biological father.  I was taken back home by my mother's ex.  I  went through hell and I didn't want him to go through it either.  Jackie and I are moving cross country with the kids and we're going to work stuff out.  I'll leave Leah alone."

"Thank you for bringing Liam home."

"You're welcome.  Congrats on your new baby."  I said.  "Boy or girl?"

"A surprise."

"Well, congratulations."

"Thank you."  He said.  He looked at Liam.  "Let's go see mommy okay?"



I was sipping some water when Nathan walked in with Liam.  "LIAM!"

"Mommy!"  Nathan set him on my bed.   He hugged me.

"My baby."  I said softly hugging him and kissing his face.  "Go with grandpa okay?  Daddy needs to stay with me."

"Okay."  Liam left the room with his grandpa.

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