Chapter 30

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Matt was released from the hospital after about a month and a half.  They had to take his right leg and was getting around with a prosthetic without a single drawback.  He was going great.

I was 6 months pregnant and working at Matt's company.  He was standing beside me behind my desk.  I was sitting in the comfy leather chair.  He watched as I explained fixes that needed to be done.  "Damn.  You want the boss's chair?"  I laughed.

"For knowing computers?"  I printed the paper and stood up went to grab it off my printer.  I returned to the chair and he helped me sit in his lap.

"No.  I know computers, but for being 6 months pregnant and making me want to take you right here on your desk."  he said leaning his forehead against mine.

"I'll take your chair."  He grinned giving me a soft kiss.  "You need to rest."

"I'm fine."

"You look tired."

"I'm not tired."  I said.  He gave me a soft kiss.

"I have to get back to work.  I love you."

"I love you too."  I let him up and he kissed me again letting me go.  He retreated to his office.

===Jumping ahead (Matt and Aly's story is coming to an end just an FYI)

"NO MORE MATTHEW LUCAS!  NO MORE!"  I said as the contraction hit me hard.

"At all?"

"NO MORE!"  I said.  He held my hand in his.

"You've said that before."

"I mean it this time."

"I'm irresistible."

"Shut up."  I said. 

====Big jump.  Can't think of anything additional to add.  Matt Jr. is 18, Zachary Martin and Miranda Lynn are 17,  Cameron Aaron is 14, Brenda Mae is 12, and the youngest of the clan Zayla Rae is 9.  Matt and Alyssa are only aged to be in their 40s at this time, but thanks to wolf genes and such they are still rather young and following a Valentine's Day love fest, Alyssa still proves to be fertile.  She is in fact pregnant with baby number 7 (9 if you include Layla and Mackenzie.)


I should have got my tubes tied last time, I thought to myself while sitting with my sisters at the diner having lunch.  Lena and Eliza only have about half as many kids as Matt and I and they've been giving me crap ever since.  "You do realize how old you and Matt will be when this one graduates, don't you?"

"Does it really fucking matter Eliza?"


"Matt doesn't have much of a family on his side and we both wanted a big family.  Haven't you heard of 7th Heaven?  They had 7 kids and took in some to help them.  Matt and I are more than financially stable and we have one thing they all need.  At least we can give them love and take care of them.  This baby is number 7.  My first two died and they will always be a part of this family."  I grabbed my stuff.

"Aly, where are you going?"


I got inside and found Matt Jr. in a heated make out session with his mate and girlfriend of 4 years.  "Mom in the room."  they jumped apart.  "Where's your father?"

"In the office mama."  Jr. said.

"Not anymore.  I heard a beautiful voice."  Matt said he tossed something at Jr. and he caught it.  His face turned red.


"Mrs. Lucas?"


"Can I stay for dinner?  My dad wanted me to ask you."

"Oh, sure.  That's fine."

"Be safe you two."

"Thanks a lot."

That night, Matt and I were sitting on the couch watching the news.  His hand softly rubbed over my small baby bump.  "What happened today?"  he asked.  "You're upset."

"Lena and Eliza, mainly Eliza complaining about the baby train."

"We have 7 kids counting this one and 2 angels in Heaven.  You are a fantastic mother and their problem is, they are older than you and they can't have anymore children because they did derail the baby train before they even wanted to.  If you'd rather not be pregnant just say so."

"Matt, I didn't say that in the first place."

"I know, but it's none of their damn business."

"I know its not.  That's even what I told them."  he pressed a kiss to my hair.  Jr. came in after taking Melanie home.

"Can I talk to you two about something?"

"Sure."  I moved my feet and he sat down.  Matt turned off the TV.

"Look, I'm not here to get my head ripped off.  I want to have a calm conversation."


"Melanie and I have been thinking about having sex."  he said.  "She wants it and so do I."

"What does her father say about this?"  Matt asked.

"He doesn't even know.  Dad, I haven't met her father.  She refuses to let me.  I ask her why and she changes the subject."

"I recommend meeting her father in the near future."  Matt said.

"But what about what I said in the beginning?"

"Be safe.  Use protection.  If she gets pregnant, you better step up and help her.  If things change afterwards and things with you two don't work out and she's pregnant, be that one father who's their for his son."  Matt said.

"I agree.  Use protection.  There's a whole box in the bathroom."  Mainly because Zach was already exploring the opposite sex.  "Do not do it in the house while others are here and if you do it in the house, stay in your room.  No couch or any other room.  Yours."

"Yes, that's just gross."

"Thank you for understanding and listening."  he said his goodnight and went to bed.

"Well, at least he said something unlike a certain somebody."  Matt said.

"He gets that from you."

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