Chapter 4

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Two months later, Liam was 7 months old and had the crawling thing down. Nate was on the way home and we were outside letting the smoke clear out. The babysitter was making popcorn on the stove, she got distracted with the phone, there was a fire and by the time I got here the firetrucks were leaving. Liam was with my friend Lindsey, she's a paramedic and was making sure that Liam was alright. Nate pulled up along the curb and jumped out of the car. He jogged over and caught me in a hug.

"I saw the firetrucks coming from this way then I saw the ambulance. Are you okay?"

"Yes. Just a small kitchen fire." Kara walked over with her father.

"Here, this is for the damages." He handed Nate the envelope full of cash. "Is Liam alright?"

"He didn't inhale any smoke. He's perfectly fine." Lindsey said handing Liam back to me.

"Thanks Lindsey." I said. "Are you and Brad coming over for dinner?" I asked.

"As long as the invite is still open." I nodded.

"We'll be here by 5?"

"Sounds good."

Nate talked with Kara's father while I walked Liam to his playset. Liam stood up using his playset for support when necessary. He picked up a red ball and when Nate got close enough Liam gave it as big of a toss as he could. Nate grabbed it from the ground and stepped over the pen we put up for Liam in the yard. He was just so curious some times.

"We need to talk later." I said holding Liam in my lap. Nate gave me sort of a worried look then he nodded.

Before dinner, Brad and Lindsey were on the way over and Nate was cleaning up the ash and stuff from the counters. I leaned against the counter where he was cleaning at. "Nate?"

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Can you do me a huge favor?" I asked him.

"Sure." He said. I slid my arms around his waist leaning my cheek against his chest.

"Will you go to the pharmacy and get me prenatal vitamins and a pregnancy test?" I asked crossing my fingers.

"Of course. I'm not peeing on a damn stick though." I laughed. He gave me a kiss. "Brad's here, I can talk him into coming with me." He said. "But, can I get beer?"

"Don't drink it around the baby."

"Just kidding I hate beer." He said grabbing his keys. He all but skipped out of the house. Lindsey walked in.

"Nate just talked Brad into going with him to get a pregnancy test."


I was standing in the right aisle right? Why are there so many freaking tests? "Excuse me?" I looked up and a good looking red head who worked her was talking to me and looking at me all flirtatiously. "Can I help you with anything handsome?"

"My buddy and I are both looking for a pregnancy test for our wives. They weren't feeling so well and they asked us to pick up a preg test. I don't know which one would be better." She frowned.

"How late is her period?"

"Roughly a week." I said. She grabbed one and handed it to me. She gave Brad one as well.

"If it doesn't work out, you know where to find me." She said as I walked out the door.

"So, how'd it go?" Leah asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Well, a red head was trying to flirt with your husband here and he blew her off." Brad said.

"Awe, baby you know that you can look, but you can't touch."

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