Chapter 18

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Tonight was the night Aurum would fall. 

I stared at myself in the mirror, my green eyes resembling emeralds behind my silver mask of glitter and tiny diamonds. My locks tumbled beneath my shoulders in thick, dark curls, and my lips are painted in a shade of blood red, making them stand out against the fairness of my skin. My gown was silver, its top made of silver sequins and ending in a simple tulle bottom. 

Tonight, I parade the color of my nation. Tonight, Argentum would be victorious. Tonight, Aurum would go down with its leader. 

I flashed a playful smirk and a smug expression comes across my face. I could almost feel triumph tingling my fingertips, tugging onto them and tickling my very skin with flames of vindication. Every inch of me feels so, so alive. Anger surged through me like a beast waiting to be unleashed, like freshwater waiting gaining momentum before it falls off a cliff and rushes to the sea. 

Tonight would be the end of Aurum. And I would be the one responsible for that end. 


I learned about the party in the news, and when I did, I hastened to seek the opportunity.

A golden chandelier hung in the center of the room, its diamond ornaments  suspended in the sky like raindrops about to descend on the richly carpeted floor. The walls were painted in a deep, striking shade of maroon and golden swirls, and elegantly clad citizens added to the ambience of the regal venue. 

Nobody knew who was who. Masks of different shapes and sizes strolled and sauntered in between tall tables propped with cocktail drinks and strange concoctions. Waiters carried trays of champagne and finger food, and an orchestra filled the air with wonderful music.

I stood by one of the walls, sipping my second glass of champagne quietly. My eyes riveted from side to side in search of Knoxx, and my nerves are anticipating with excitement for action and for the thrill of the kill. All I needed was to see those eyes of smoke and dust, and I know I've found my prey. 

A waiter passes by, and I handed him my empty glass. I vowed not to take another shot since I don't want to risk getting drunk before the night is over. 

"What do you think is Knoxx's surprise for the night?" A man's voice suddenly spoke from my right side. 

I whiredl around and face him, his mop of dark curls dangling above his red and gold mask. He smirked, showing a perfect set of white teeth under his devilish lips. "Word says he's about to announce something special tonight. I was just wondering if you have any idea." 

I looked at him, flashing a look of seduction of my own and gave out a low laugh. "No. I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about." 

He held out his hand and introduced himself. "Joshua." 

I reached for his hand, shook it and leaned closer so that I'm directly speaking to his ear. "Maybe we'll see each other sometime," I tittered. "So you could know my name." I broke off from his grasp and made my way through the crowd. I could feel his green eyes still looking at me, watching me and yearning to know my name. I chose to ignore him. This was not a night for meeting men and dancing with eligible bachelors. It was a night of vengeance, of victory, of death. 

I looked back one last time, and find out that my hunch was still right. He was still there, raising a glass of wine towards me. I turned back to the direction I was going in time for me to crash into a moving body. 

Firm hands gripped my shoulders, and I felt a sudden jolt of electricity. I looked up at the tall figure and met a set of hazel eyes looking back at me. 

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