Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


I wake up, and he's not around. He's not anywhere where he found me. He's not here to save me again.

Loneliness creeps over me, and cradles me in her cold arms. She whispers words to me that I don't want to hear, but I can't seem to put them out of my mind. She lulls me to sleep, and I can't do anything but close my eyes and shed the warmth off my body unto her cold embrace. I can't do anything except wait for a sign that Daniel will come back, that there is still hope for me. For us.

Nobody's here in my room. Surprisingly, wherever I was, I was put in a room and not a cell. It has been a while since I slept decently on a soft bed, and I'm surprised to find no cuffs linking my wrists and binding them so I wouldn't cause any harm. I'm surprised by the cool ventilation, the soothing feeling of the medicine on my skin which has now treated my wounds. I'm surprised that I'm breathing, that I'm alive and fully well, that I still have eyes to see, lips to speak and hands to touch. I'm surprised that I'm this lucky.

But Dan... Where was he? I could only remember a few things after the execution.

I thought I was going to die, but Dan saved me. There were several explosions, and the people were running to different directions. Daniel cut off the rope around my neck and scooped me in his arms. Then, I became unconscious, only hearing his voice, begging me to stay with him, muttering prayers to whoever god was there to save me. I felt his touch-warm and gentle-surround me in the last few seconds when I thought my existence was over.

Where was he? Dread was starting to melt down in my bones. Everything I saw was bleak and lifeless. The walls, which were painted in a dull shade of grey became greyer and the air around me grew colder and I felt so so alone

What if he was dead? What if he died so that he could save me? What if he risked his life so that I could live? I could never forgive myself if he died because of me. I could never forgive myself if I lost him and caused my own destruction. I could never forgive myself for killing the boy I loved, the boy who would do anything for me, the boy who followed me and didn't mind all the danger, the boy who knew I loved someone else, but kept loving me back, but kept loving me until there was nothing more to give. I love that boy. I love him and I don't ever want to lose him.

The door opens and a man in a white coat comes in, holding a kit. He smiles, and warmth almost fills the whole room. The corners where I stood were still shrouded in despair and in dread.

"Hi, Lauren. Are you feeling a little better?" He asked, shutting the door.

I nodded. "Where am I?"

He chuckled, and I couldn't believe the irony of this situation. "We're underground, Lauren. Don't worry, we're safe here."

"Safe?" The word felt foreign, and I touched my lips to make sure I said it right. I didn't know the meaning of safe. Ever since I was born in my simulation, I hadn't had a feeling of security. Safe was comfortable blankets and a hot pot of food. Safe was being nestled in a mother's arms and feeling the warmth of a father's touch. I didn't have those even when I stepped into the real world. I didn't know how safe felt like except for the moment when I was in Daniel's arms.

"Do you know where Daniel is?" I blurted out, his image lingering in my thoughts. I wanted him to be safe. I wanted to keep him close. "Daniel Deveraux. He's tall. Six foot, dark hair, black eyes, fair skin. "Please tell me. He saved me. I need him. I need to know if he's safe."

The doctor looked at me and pulled out a device from his pocket. It was clear and made from thinly cut glass. He started scrolling down with his finger, and I stared at him, my mind deducing possibilities on Daniel's whereabouts. Finally, he looked up. "I'm sorry, Lauren. We have no patient enlisted as Daniel Deveraux in our directory." He sensed my immediate disappointment and started to do something with his gadget again. "But don't worry. We'll look for him, see if he's in need of refuge." I smiled weakly and nodded.

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