Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


I pushed up my glasses and closed the book I was reading. I glance impatiently at my watch and stand up from the bleachers. The smell of chlorine hung in the air as I started towards the exit of the stadium. Lawrence was late. AGAIN. 

I make my way towards the exit and the glass door swings open. I fish out the keys of my car when suddenly, I hear somebody call out my name. I whirled around to see Lawrence, half-running and half-walking towards me. 

"You're late." I snapped, giving him the evil eye. His arm wraps around my shoulder as he gives me a light kiss on the cheek. "That doesn't make up for the time you cost me." He shrugged, then grinned before kissing me on the lips. His arm slowly descended to the small of my back as he pressed me closer to him. My hands find their way to the back of his neck and I realized that he couldn't do anything that could completely outrage me. I can't simply resist him. 

"I'm sorry." He mutters as he departs from our long kiss. 

I place a finger to his lips and kiss him again. It's been a while since I'd last seen him and I want nothing but the feel of his arms around me and his lips pressed against mine. 

"I'm sorry. I just missed you." I tell him. "It's just been a while and there's been a lot going on." 


"President Fiouris planning his next move after sending Lauren to Aurum." I replied. "Dr. Carter working on some sort of serum he wouldn't tell me about." Lawrence nodded. It was one thing I loved about him. He'd always listen to me whenever I speak and he'd wait for me to finish doing so when he wants to say something. "And other matters such as Daniel Deveraux following Lauren to Aurum and the possibility of the impending war and the recruitment of soldiers." 

I felt his hand on mine as he filled the gap between my fingers. "That's a lot for a girl like you, babe." 

"I know." I sigh. But there was nothing I could do. Besides, I haven't told Lawrence the greatest trouble I'm having with myself now and I feel as if I have no plans of telling him soon. 

"We could always get away, you know?" He said, his charming voice making my joints weak. 

I shake my head and roll my eyes. "Who are you kidding, Lawrence? You know they'll monitor us wherever we go." He looked disappointed. I didn't mean to bring his hopes down. I nudge him with my elbow and he looks at me, his dark and chinky eyes carefully analyzing me. "We could go to the lake today. Perhaps it isn't too late for the sunset." He nodded as we walked towards my car without nothing much to say. It's just the two of us, our hearts speaking to each other more than our lips could. 

In a matter of minutes, we arrive at the lake. Lawrence steps out of his car and pulls the door open for me. I make sure it's locked before we leave. 

"So, tell me about your week." I said, looping my arm around Lawrence's. "How did training go?" 

"Training was good. I got to beat my previous record." He smirked arrogantly.

"Oh really?" I squealed. "That's good to hear!" 

"Well, it has been rigorous. Coach is pressuring me to win the next match." 

"You can do it without a doubt." I winked. 

He laughed. "Hey." 


"Don't I at least get a reward for breaking my record?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at me as we stopped on our tracks. 

"Huh? What? What do you mean?" I stammered, my cheeks turning red. 

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