Chapter 7

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"You should've seen her train today, Sir." I say, reporting to Dr. Fiouris. "She was truly..." I paused, searching for words. It was already on the tip of my tongue yet I couldn't manage to say it. "Exceptional." I finally finished. The word sounded dull and dry. If I was given the chance to use some other word, I would've told him that she was dynamic, explosive, mindblowing, eye popping, body-sweating one-of-a-kind hu-ha, but I couldn't. It was President Fiouris. And some of those words didn't exist at all.

"She walked in that obstacle course-" I started saying but Dr. Fiouris held up and index finger, signaling my silence. But I couldn't help it. "And even set it on 'Difficult'!" Dr. Fiouris shook the finger slightly and I bit my lip to keep myself quiet. He already knew about this. Word at the Lab spreads like wildfire.

"I'd like you to keep a close eye on her, Lia." Dr. Fiouris spoke up.

"Me?" My eyes widened and I put a hand across my chest, fingers splayed out. "W-w-why?" I stammered, still in shock.

"Nothing." Dr. Fiouris' mouth curled into a grin. "I'm just interested in her..." He licked his lips. "Complexity."

"Complexity?" I questioned. "Lauren isn't complex at all. She's very easy to understand. She's fully human to be exact, Sir. The only problem is that she can't really trust anyone and you'd expect that after a seventeen-year simulation."

Dr. Fiouris nodded. "Very well. I see you've been holding quite an interest in her."

"Yes, Sir." I quickly admitted. It was true. Lauren is some kind of interesting specimen. "I've always wondered how a half-human, half-experiment wouldcome to act."

"Mhmmm..." He agreed. "We created her for a special purpose, Lia. And now, the purpose is coming to full circle."

I smirked. "Well, I will keep an eye on her if I must."

"Keep a close eye, Lia. You never know what danger that Lauren Steel brings."


"He told me she was a danger to us." I tell Lawrence. His arm was draped over my shoulder as he huddled me close. "I don't know why. I mean, she was violent in the simulation. She killed a lot of people. But, somehow I just can't imagine her doing that to us." I shook my head. "It's just that... She has a heart too, you know. She feels." I stop, looking into the bottomless pits of Lawrence's dark eyes and started drowning in them, taking it all in. "She loves."

Lawrence looked at me and raised an eyebrow. He probably thinks I'm crazy.

"I'm sorry." I suddenly sputtered, apologizing. "I'm just..." I stopped as he planted a delicate kiss on my lips. "Overwhelmed and talkative."

"I know." He pulled me closer and I felt my cheeks flush.

"I still don't understand why he's telling me to keep close watch over her."

"Maybe Argentum's just being cautious." He optimistically uttered.

I smiled back, looking straight at his dazzling eyes. The air still stank of chlorine. "I hope they aren't plotting something that would hurt her."

"Why are you so concerned and protective over her all of a sudden?" He asked me. "You weren't like that before."

"Lauren just seems so special, you know?" I told him. "I feel as if I understand her. It's like there's some sort of connection between us, you know?"

Lawrence laughed. He really thinks I'm going insane.

"I've watched her while things were running in her brain and I know what it's like for her to find out that the things that she felt and pictured are nothing but a fraud." I said, seriousness welling up in me. Oh no, I wasn't like this. "I don't want to end up like her, Lawrence. I don't want to wake up one day and realize you aren't real anymore."

Lawrence slipped his arm from my shoulder and placed both his hands on my face as he caressed it. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek and he slowly brushed his fingers against it, wiping it away.

"Ssssh..." He whispered. "You know that won't happen. I won't let that happen. And if it does, I'll do anything to make it real. If I have to stay in that simulation forever, I would do it just to be with you."

More tears were coming down my eyes and Lawrence kissed each one of them away, his soft lips taking the pain along with him.

"One day I'll marry you, Lia." He uttered and I felt myself sob a little more. "When everything's alright, when everybody understands, I will marry you."

He leaned forward, his lips meeting mine. I parted my lips, letting him in, his tongue exploring my mouth. I felt his hand pull me closer, still caressing my cheeks, a finger brushing against my jawline. He felt a slight pressure and I gave in, my fingers having a steady grip on the bleacher, my knuckles turning white. I was burning up, heat rising all over my body and I surrendered myself to whatever verboten emotion I was feeling. I knew that if Lawrence and I would get caught, it will mean trouble for both of us. He would lose his inheritance and his family would throw him out. I would ruin his reputation and destruct mine's as well. I would be branded as someone who does not honor tradition. I would be branded as coward, frightful enough to keep the person I love hidden. But they don't understand. I love him. He loves me. And like Lauren, I can't risk hurting him or destroying him with whatever I feel.

One day he will marry me and everything will be alright. One day, the both of us would be understood and whatever we have will be accepted. I willing to wait and count off every single day till that very moment comes when the both of us will be free, when we would finally say our vows and live as husband and wife. I will wait for that day when finally everybody would not look at us suspiciously, when Lawrence's parents would finally accept me, when Lawrence and I would no longer meet in secret, and when finally, we could tell the whole world that we love each other without restrictions, without borders, without tradition, without rules.

One day, I know, everything will fall into place.

One day.


"Good afternoon, Lauren." I greeted as I entered Lauren's cell. It has been a few days since I last saw her after I drugged her.

"Did you bring some of those drugs again?" She asked, turning her head towards the entrance. She was lying down on her bed, her green eyes which were very much like Dr. Carter's staring at open space beyond them.

I chuckled, trying to warm up the atmosphere. "No." I pulled a chair next to her bedside and sat down.

"Too bad." She faced the ceiling again, her face stone cold. She resembled a beautiful marble statue that I once saw in picture books. She had a blank expression and the same distant eyes. She was beautiful but her expression was hardened and harsh. She looks as if she is keeping the pain all to herself. "I could use one of those again."

I tittered but immediately placed a hand on top of my mouth to stop laughing. "I'm sorry." I apologized. "I shouldn't have laughed. It wasn't a joke."

"'Course it was." She smiled and I was relieved to see her face lighten up. She saw the look on mine and immediately frowned. "It wasn't." My expression retreated to being serious. I was not going to give up on this girl. "What do you want?" She snapped curtly.

"A short walk." I answered without hesitation.

"Walk?" She asked. "I have seen everything I needed in the laboratory and am notallowed outside the facilities."

"No!" I exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. "I mean, outside the premises. Dr. Carter advised it as well. He says you should have a small, private tour of the city."

"I don't need a tour." She grumbled, rolling off to one side. "Get out." She said, harshly.

"Don't make me drug you again!" I say, raising my voice and momentarily losing my patience. It was never my virtue but Lauren was testing whatever I had of it.

"Wow. I'm scared." she says in a robotic and flat tone.

"Lauren," I say, my patience stretching long and wide like a rubber band that was on the verge of snapping. "Please come."


She shuffled and turned to face me. "If I come, will you leave me alone?"

I smiled then let out a small laugh. "I doubt I'd be able to do that. But, yes."

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