Chapter 42

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Chapter 42


I fastened the flag, tying it to the pole while Eric guarded the concrete building with a door to the penthouse. When I finished, I ran to him, hugging him tight while crying.

"We made it. I can't believe we're alive." I said in between tears. "We won, Eric. We made it happen."

He broke off from the hug, wiping my tears with his fingers in a brotherly gesture. His bright blue eyes shone even brighter, shedding their own tears. "Yes. Yes, we made it. I never thought we would, but we did. We'll change everything, Lia. Everything."

"I wouldn't have done it without the revolution." I told him.

"No. The success is on you, Lia. You made a-" A shot rang out, and Eric fell over, blood spurting out from his mouth and on his chest.

"No!" I screamed on the top of my lungs. I dragged Eric's body with me as I ran for cover. He was heavier than me so his weight caused my pace to be slower. I brought out my gun, shooting and trying my best to keep Eric safe.

We hid behind one of the concrete exhausts, and I opened Eric's cameo jacket to find three bullet holes on his torso. I winced. I checked his pulse. It was there. He was still alive, but he was barely breathing.

I slapped his cheek gently, willing him to stay awake. "Eric, Eric, stay with me..."

I ripped off the hem of my shirt and wrapped it around his chest, exerting pressure to his wound. A bullet barely missed my head as it clashed with the concrete across me.

"Eric, don't leave me yet. We're in this together..." I repeatedly said, wrapping the cloth tighter. I pressed my palms against his chest, crimson starting to stain my skin and creep under my fingernails.

I felt Eric struggle to breathe. With his shots, a lot of internal organs have been punctured. I shook my head. If we don't get out of here, Eric could die. He wouldn't see the fruits of our revolution. He wouldn't see the change that I promised unfold before him.

"Hang on, Eric... I'll get you out of here." More tears began to flow, but this time, they were not of joy. They were of sorrow.

Eric's eyes started to flutter, and I prayed to whoever was above to make him stay. I need him to stay. He was a not a co-revolutionary. He was a friend. He listened to me, believed in me, left his former life for whatever I was fighting for. I don't want to lose him. I don't want to lose him.

"Eric, please..." I cried out. "Please stay..."

His fingers encircled my wrist, smearing more blood on my skin. His skin was cold, and his hand was already trembling.

"Eric, please don't..." I impetrated. "I'll kill you if you say goodbye."

He gave out a weak laugh, barely audible amidst the firing bullets and shouting noises of soldiers. "But I'm dying, Lia." He said, coughing up more blood. "I'm dying..."

"No you're not!" I contradicted, slapping him too hardly on the face. "Sorry..." I muttered. "Listen, you're not dying, Eric. I'm not letting you die..." My voice was already faltering, and I could feel it. I could feel that Eric was starting to be gone. He was starting to cross over. He was starting to slip away from me.

"You," He coughed. "Listen, Lia. Throw me off. I will hold them off as much as I can..."

"No! What are you saying?"

"It's the only way..." His voice trailed off, and he pulled me closer to him.

"I can still save you, just put your arm around me and we'll get through this." I told him. "Please, Eric. Just listen to me."

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