Chapter 8

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"Argentum's edifices are almost synonymous to monochromatic. However, there is variation." I say, gesturing to the buildings around me. Lauren looks at them with amazement. I have to remind myself that in her eyes, this isn't the city I see day to day. It was her first time out of the premises and her first real walk in the outside world. She must be wonderstruck and fearful at the same time. It was a brand new world, an atmosphere she did not know, an environment that suddenly existed.

"There is a futuristic and sharp-edged design involved." I continue. "Its buildings summon direct verve and power through straight lines across its citadel and its complexity promotes balance between massive waves of brutality and politesse." I point towards some of the buildings that were familiar to my eyes, their silver color glinting against the rays of the sun. Argentum, I whisper to myself. It meant silver in Latin. It is the 47th element in the periodic table which is still being used in the New World. "What I meant to say is that it gives protection to us citizens and it brings harm to our enemies." I say the last word with emphasis as Lauren continues to glance at the surroundings around us.

A couple passes by, their hands interlocked and I felt a tug of jealousy in my heart and remembered Lawrence. We should be like that if it weren't for...

"The facades are complementary to each other, welcoming robustness and lightness. They cannot be described as unequally coalesced, rather naturally fused." I continue telling her, guiding her by the hand as we crossed a street. Cars sped by behind us in the traffic-free road. The atmosphere was quiet as usual and people were free to do what they want. Argentum was the perfect utopia.

She let go of my hand and placed it back at her sides while striding. I could see her looking around, touching her face occasionally and glancing at people for too long. Sometimes, she'd pause and take a deep breath before walking again. She would also mutter some words repeatedly concerning her identity but the one thing I could make out of it was the word, 'REAL'. Lauren was still having trouble adjusting to her surroundings and to discerning what is real from what's not.

"Argentum can easily attract men and its incomparable geometric world can set anyone's defense down."

"Why do you know so much about these?" Lauren asked, finally speaking up. We kept walking. I let out a small chuckle. "I don't understand why you seem so happy." She muttered, eyebrows creased.

"And I don't understand why you're always grumpy." I told her.

"I don't feel anything. I can't be happy." She retorted but before I could pry on further she repeated her question. "Why do you know so much about Argentum, Lia?"

I stopped walking and turned to face her. She stopped as well. I looked over from my left to right and lifted both my arms. Lauren looked at me quizzically. "Well of course. I built this city."

"Whoa..." I saw Lauren's mouth gape open and her green eyes flash a look of pure wonder at my masterpiece. Yes, it was true that I built this city. I was pretty darn smart. But I still had to enter college. It was mandatory here in Argentum to get a degree no matter how great you are. In Argentum, knowledge always came first. The nation revolved in a world spun by sciences and numbers, facts and figures. Tertiary schooling was, according to them, needed by everyone in order to obtain a brighter and better future. It was true. You'll get the advantage of earning a degree soon enough.

As for me, I chose to take up architecture although I've already had much practice for it and knew almost everything about it. "You've done a wonderful job." She said, almost expressionless but there was a hint of happiness and...pride?

"Thank you." I said, smiling at her. She didn't return it but I held out my hand. "Shall we?"

She ignored my outstretched hand and made way towards a park. It contained artificial trees, grass and some black benches. Trees didn't grow here in Argentum so the scientists decided to take some plants from Aurum and cultivate them, taking away their cells and forming new trees which have longer life spans, taller and wider growth range and could survive the conditions of this planet. Good thing the air around Argentum was still breathable and made from part nitrogen, part oxygen with a small portion of carbon dioxide and argon.

"How are you finding Argentum so far?" I ask her.

"It's my first time to see it, remember?" She answered back. I don't see the point in being rude.

"I hope Dr. Carter allows you to take more walks." I said, my voice beaming brightly. "It's good for your health and your fast recovery to the real world."

Silence.Why was she difficult and intimidating to talk to?

She walks past me and goes ahead though she doesn't know the way. Obviously, she did not like my company. "Why are you so silent?" I blurt out, unable to control my mouth. You are so stupid, Lia. "Is it because of Jonathan?"

She stopped at her tracks and turned around, her hands clenched into fists. "How did you know about him?" Her tone shifted into curiosity when I mentioned the name of Jonathan. "How did you..." Her voice trailed off as she put two fingers under her lips and tapped them, trying to discern possible ways. It was a mannerism of hers, to tap her fingers against her lips or under them. She would do it anywhere near her mouth. I made a mental note to add that observation to my evaluation. It was a good sign.

"I know it, Lauren. You can't stop thinking about him. You can't stop loving him." I told her and I could see her cheeks flush

"That's not true." She gritted her teeth at me. "I feel nothing and Jonathan Kress isn't real." I could sense a sadness in her voice especially during the last part. She felt something and to her, Jonathan was as real as she was.

"I understand you, Lauren." I uttered, deciding to stay back and leave her to explore Argentum alone.

"No one knows how it feels." She says.

"You feel." I smile at her. "You feel more than anybody does, Lauren. Remember that."

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