Chapter 4

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The swimming area was empty and the silence was deafening. The electric blue water looked calm and untouched. The smell of chlorine reeked in the air. I wonder how Lawrence manages to take this stench.

Speaking of Lawrence. He's late. Doesn't he know that I value my time as much as I value him? But my time is precious. Our time is precious. You see, Lawrence and I didn't share an ordinary romance. What we had was forbidden.

Lawrence is a half-American, half-Chinese. Most of his features indicate that he's from the Far East. He has dark hair that complements his pale complexion and brown chinky eyes that nearly disappear whenever he gives that beautiful smile of his. He's tall and muscular because aside from being a law student, he's also an athlete. His sport is swimming, to be exact. And that's the reason why many girls go gaga over him. It pisses me off, having rivals squealing his name all over again as he competes in swim meets. They yell as if they wanted to give their lungs some serious work out and I simply snap curtly and tell them to shut up before I start ripping their throats off. Well... That's what happens before I start hollering along with them, of course. If Lauren had Jonathan as the most eligible bachelor in Aurum, Lawrence was definitely his counterpart here in Argentum. But girls don't get him the way that they want. Lawrence's family values and honors ancient Chinese traditions dating back to the Old World. And one of them is arranged marriage. Only somebody who has Chinese blood could marry Lawrence. It was a custom of theirs and his parents insisted on following it. Lawrence was their only son and he was the heir to all their wealth. They wanted who and what was best for him.

But Lawrence didn't want all that. He didn't want to marry somebody that he didn't love. He didn't want all the wealth in the world his parents could offer him. What he wanted was to break the rules and be free. What he wanted, not meaning to shove it in your face, was me.

But you can never have something that you want so easily, can't you? The predicament is, I do not come from any Chinese family. I had no Chinese blood in my veins. Lawrence introduced me to his family once, only to be questioned if I was from a Chinese descent. I had been introduced only as a friend back then but they advised him to stay away from me. They told him that they didn't want their son to hang out with those who are not part of their high-class race. You see, the Chinese have been quite dominant when it comes to trade here in Argentum during its beginnings. They are the reason why our economy has arisen. That's why the Chinese are respected and given importance in this land.

Before Lawrence came, I was used to being alone. I focused on my studies and my budding career as an architect. I had been trying to help Dr. Carter by monitoring Lauren's simulation every once in a while. I always knew what was it with her. She just seemed to have a way of drawing me.

But when Lawrence decided to become friends with me despite his popular status, I was amazed. He started sitting with me during lunch and accompanying me everywhere. I wasn't used to someone always being there beside me, especially if it was a man like Lawrence. But soon, I got used to it. He was all that I had. We became the best of friends and soon, the sweetest of lovers.

I stood up, pacing back and forth at the bleachers, occasionally glancing at my watch. Worry crossed my face as I took deep breaths and told myself that everything will be alright. Lawrence will come. He always does.

"Lia!"Speaking of the devil. I mean, Angel. My sweet, loving chunk of an angel.

I turn around and immediately, my heart of stone melted. Lawrence. I tried my best to look pissed. My eyes narrowed into two small slits and I folded my arms while tapping my foot.

"Hey." Lawrence said, dropping his duffel bag and encircling an arm around my shoulder, planting me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You're late." I broke off from his grasp and I felt heat rising up on my face. I glanced at my watch so he wouldn't notice that I'm blushing. "25 minutes, Lawrence Chiu."

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