Chapter 9

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You feel more than anybody does, Lauren. Remember that.

Lia's words echoed in my mind as sat down on the bench in the park. Lia had left already, deciding to leave me alone and take time to ponder on things. I think she found me quite curt and improper. It's better than being too attached. But truth be told, I didn't want to be alone now. Especially when Lia mentioned something about Jonathan.

I tried to distract myself by looking at the buildings of Argentum, admiring their shapes and structures. Lia did a wonderful job with the city. I can't believe that at the age of eighteen, she had already built her legacy. She had done a great contribution for the world at a very young age. I knew that she was an architecture student but she was far greater than those who mentored her. She created this masterpiece rising before my eyes. What I loved about it was that everything in this city simply belonged with each other, everything seemed to be a perfect fit. Lia has somehow managed to make the city blend with other without ousting one another. Somehow, I can't still believe that she did all these. At first, I thought she was just joking but I heard a hint of seriousness and swelling pride in her voice and I knew it. Everything that I was seeing and walking upon were the products of Lia's hard work and earnest efforts.

I would've walked with her more if she hadn't mentioned Jonathan. I didn't want anymore to do with him. I didn't want to continue living in that fake reality and keep on hoping each and every day for him to be real. I'm so tired of that same old predicament. I'm so tired of wishing, of praying, of thinking, of actually expecting.

I stand up and stop thinking. I command myself to focus on what I must do: Bring Aurum down.

I walk back to the laboratory. I have memorized the routine because of my enhanced memory skills. Lia need not tell me what route should I take to get back. As I started striding out the park, I saw a familiar dark-haired figure coming towards me. I squinted my eyes and saw him smiling at me. It was Daniel. His hair fell above his stygian eyes and he pushed it back with an impatient gesture. He was half running, half walking towards me while I was going in a slow pace, still caught up in my web of thoughts.

He finally stood before me, smiling. "Hey." He said.

"Hey." I greeted, my voice as cold as ever.

"I was just wondering if you..." He stopped, shutting his eyes. I could see his hands trembling and his cheeks slowly flush. He was about to say something but he couldn't bring himself to do so.

"I was just about to go back to the laboratory." I told him, cutting him off. "Dr. Carter told me that I needed a walk."

"Yeah, you do." He said, outstretching a hand, gesturing me. "It's your first time outside, isn't it?"

"Yes." I quickly retorted not adding any more details. I started to walk again, leaving him behind. I wanted to get back so I could train so I went to a fast pace.

All of a sudden, Daniel caught up with me and blocked my way. He was still wearing a silly grin on his face. "I'm real sorry." He muttered. "I just wanted to... To..." He stuttered.

"Look," I began but he cut me short.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out with me."

My eyes widened. Go out with him? I haven't gone out with anyone before, not even in my simulation. Well, Zac and I went out sometimes but that wasn't even real and we were best friends so it was normal between us. But Daniel? He had confessed that he loved me before in the simulation and we weren't even close to friends. He was my ideal match but I didn't know him. Everything about him might just be another huge lie. To me, he was a phantom of the mind, a work of fiction gone true. Now, he was standing before me and asking me to go out with him.

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