Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 


I started wrapping the bandage on where she shot me. My forehead was dotted with sweat that trickled down my bare chest. I held the ice pack to my jaw where I could feel a tender bruise. 

 How did she know me? We hadn't revealed each other when we met at President Knoxx's party. She refused to tell me her name and as far as I could remember, I didn't tell her mine as well. 

 I put the ice pack down and rubbed the back of my neck. She looked so familiar-her piercing green eyes and those blood red lips. Even her long, brown hair seemed to produce memories that I couldn't even remember, memories that were not even there. Who was she? And why did she shoot me? Why did she kill the president?   

I rubbed the back of my neck repeatedly as I pulled out a bottle of whiskey. I poured some of it in a glass and consumed it in one swig. I poured another one and paced back and forth right by my room's floor-to-ceiling windows. The technicolor lights emitted from Aurum's skyscrapers reflected against the cold, hard glass as they towered over Aurum's busy lit up streets. Helicopters hovered everywhere in search for the mysterious killer. Below me, sirens wailed and watchmen conducted inspection in several parts of the city.   

I continued wondering about her and started putting the pieces of the puzzle together. She had killed Knoxx when they were dancing and she did it in a quiet and unnoticeable motion. The job was clean. Almost. I had noticed her inject poison into his bloodstream because of unintentional curiosity. I watched her intently that evening. Something inside her interested me and captured my eye. From the way she moved and the way she murdered him, I could only come up with one thing and with one plausible enemy who can possible do this. It was Argentum. Being locked up in their planet for months has caused me to keep an eye on them and to study them. I knew how their systems worked. I got a chance to explore the distinct style on how they could assassinate people and eliminate their enemies.They want their job done noiselessly and spotlessly. Their movements were graceful but reserved. Their identity always concealed and their personalities, hidden. They were champions in deceiving. They knew how to lie and when to tell it. They knew how to charm people, seduce people and have them under their trap. Another thing I observed was their weaponry. It was designed to be as cunning as can be. Their weapons could take the form of simple fake fingernails or walking sticks. They could be won as accessories or carried in small brief cases without being noticed by security. They needed to look as unsuspicious as possible.   

I thought about her again. She was beautiful, but we weren't on the same side. An enemy is enemy no matter who he or she is. I thought about how clever she was in assassinating Knoxx. She almost got away with it. She almost claimed Aurum's seat of power. Her beauty and her grace were very distinct. It was no doubt she was from Argentum. No wonder she was in silver. She was parading the color of her people, the color of her cause.  

I put on a white button down shirt and proceeded to Aurum's military headquarters. Part of my jaw still ached but I chose to ignore it. Those slender fingers can pack a pretty good punch.   

I stepped out of the car frustrated at with what had happened. Aurum was left without a ruler, making it easier for invaders and enemies to defeat it. We needed a replacement and we needed it fast.  

One of the watchmen approached me as I ascended the small  flight of stairs. His face was the epitome of calm although I could tell by his stiff arms that he felt the tension looming over our land tonight. "Commander Kress, the council is calling for you at the Conference Hall."   

"I'm on my way." I quickly retorted, the automatic doors opening for me. I half-jogged to the Conference Hall, ignoring the guards and watchmen who were saluting me. The oak doors of the Conference Hall stood before me and two guards pulled them open. Inside, the council, together with several military leaders were arguing in raised voices. I took my place next to the vacant seat of President Knoxx and watched them bicker. I was too sober and tired to think.   

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