Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


Nothing prepared me for what I was about to see in her mind.

The screen exploded into thousands of colors, instantly blinding my vision. The colors turn into fleeting images of Lauren's past, and I see the many versions of her. I see her smiling. I see her face twisted in concentration as she aims at one of the incoming aircrafts. I twist one of the controls and turn my attention to the touch screen panel to my right. I press the 'Initiate' option and the screen relays a piece of Lauren's memory.

I take this chance to steal a glance at her. Her knuckles are white as they clutch the edge of her armrests, and her lips are pinched into a thin, pink line that's barely visible on her crumpled features. Every ounce of pain the segregation has is directed towards her mind.

But she leaves me not much of a choice.

I look at the screen, remembering how she pleaded with my men not to put her in that chair. What was it with her and her memories? What is she hiding from me? What did she not want me to know?

Then, I see it. I see what she's keeping from me.

And at the same time, I remember it too.

She was smiling, her hand in mine as we danced under the luminescent glow of the diamond chandelier hanging above our heads. The room looks vaguely familiar, and then, I realize that this was the room where she assassinated Knoxx. The room where I first saw her. The room where I first kissed her. The very same room where I danced with her. But this was not the dance that I remembered. This was something else.

She looked beautiful under the crystal lights. Her cream-colored gown was layered in ruffles and chiffon, making her look so different from the promising warrior I saw in her. Then again, it was not the first time her appearance concealed her true intentions. Lauren was the master of deception, and I was almost fooled by such mastery.

I saw the way she looked at me. There was a different glow in her eyes, and it was too bright for me to believe it. But there was also something restraining that glow, keeping it hidden, keeping it under control.

"It's my first time." She said. "To dance with someone."

I watched myself chuckle.

"I'm sorry. I'm a very horrible dancer." She apologized, joining me in my laugh.

"You should be honored to have me as your first dance." I spun her around and pulled her closer. I could feel the warmth of her breath reaching out to my cold lips, almost wanting to steal a kiss from it.

"Really now?" She raised an eyebrow and regarded me with her playful, witty smile. We both laughed while we swayed, keeping up with the rhythm. "You're the one who should be honored because I chose you and not someone else."

I leaned closer to her, but she backed away, keeping her guard. She was so good at this game that I wondered how long she must've been playing it. How long must she pretend. How long must she control herself.

"You know, you don't have to deny that you find me stunningly attractive tonight."

I felt her fingers on my chest as she gives me a light shove. I mutter an apology to the man at my back and turn my attention to her once more. Her arms were crossed, and her face wore a smug expression. I took her hand, and we continued to dance. The feeling of her hand in mine seemed so normal, almost too normal for me to feel. Yet normal as it is, there was something different as if her simple touch could weaken the knees.

"Admit it Lauren, you do find me strikingly attractive tonight."

"I don't." She scowled. The dazzling lights now made her gown turn into a shade of pale gold, making her more radiant than ever. "I've never found you attractive at all."

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