Chapter 1

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"Surely from you're simulation, you know all about P-0001." Dr.Fiouris, the head geneticist and president of Argentum said, an intense look in his eyes. He was sitting on the head of the long table, his brawny fingers laced and his brows furrowed. I was the only woman in this room and I was sitting on the other end of the table across Dr.Fiouris.

Dr. Carter glanced at me. He was four seats apart from Fiouris and he smiled at me, sweetly and fatherly. I wanted to believe that he was my REAL father aside from the fact that he created me. We had the same brown hair, skin tone and of course, the majestic forest green eyes. But my parents were nonexistent. I was nobody's child. I was an experiment.

"Yes." It was the first word I've spoken in days and Dr. Carter looked surprised at my progress.

First of all, I had difficulty moving. I was shut down and immobilized for seventeen years, my body connected to some sort of created landscape designed to mentally train me to become a warrior. Whatever skill I learned from the simulation would be implanted in my brain; thus, making it easier to do in real life. Aside from that, I would get to do it better since I've already learned through mental experience. And whatever memory that I had in the simulation, I would get to keep it and use it to my advantage, knowing who my enemies were and knowing how to defeat them. To Argentum, I was still a flawless piece of killing machine destined to fight and submerge into battle.

"I am P-0001." I told them, choking out the truth. For a moment, I wondered if it was real or if it was just part of the simulation when I realized it was Dr. Carter himself who uttered these words.

A sudden flashback hit me. Right after all wires and contraptions were removed from my body, Dr. Carter held out his hand to me, offering to assist me in standing up. I was scantily clad and I felt my face burn with embarrassment because we weren't the only ones in the room. A bunch of scientists were observing us, observing me as I rose up. I had a very difficult time trying to get up from my lying position and thankfully, Dr. Carter pulled me up using his hand. My whole body felt numb, cold and dead. When I was already able to stand, with of course the help of Dr. Carter and two more s scientists, that's when I knew that it was real.

"Lauren, you are P-0001." Dr. Carter said, straight to the point.

Dr.Fiouris nodded and looked over at Dr. Carter. "Dr. Carter, I am surprised at the progress she is making. The isolation protocol is working out, I must say."

"Thank you, Director Fiouris." Dr. Carter said, acknowledging his complement. "P-0001 was meant to be a fast learner and someone who adapts pretty quickly."

"How are her vital signs, Dr. Hardwick?" Dr.Fiouris asked, craning his head to the doctor seated nearest to him on the left.

"Normal." He responded. "Except for emotional outbursts of course. Heart rate either speeds up or slows down. Muscles become stiff and rigid. Body convulses and temperature rises up to 40 degrees Celcius." He closed the folder regarding the data about my vital signs and smiled at Dr.Fiouris.

Dr.Fiouris turned towards me and started asking. "How are you feeling today, Lauren?"

My brain was doubting whether this was a chunk of reality or another lifelong fraud. I looked around me, taking in every detail. What if this was all a trap? What if Argentum was playing with me again? What if this was another simulation? What if this was another test I needed to pass? I clenched my fists, nails digging deep on my palms. I didn't respond. Instead, I stared at Dr.Fiouris, observing his every detail. His hair was in a light brown shade, with some of its sides greying. He looked just about the age of Dr. Carter except maybe, he was a bit older. His brows were now arched, revealing his amber eyes which reminded me of fire and autumn leaves. His skin was fair and his face was shaved clean. His nose was upturned and creases formed on the corners of his lips. He had a medium built and a tall figure.

"What do you remember from your simulation, Lauren?" He asked again, yanking me out of my reverie.

I looked from left to right. Is this real? Are they real? Am I real? Dr.Fiouris glared at me with burning intensity, his gaze not faltering or bending towards another person in this room. He is not someone to be feared. Fear is not part of my vocabulary. I wasn't made to fear. For all I know, he could be an illusion, another trick of the mind, another piece in the simulation.

I took a deep breath. "Working for The Hawk." Was the first thing I said."Saving Aurum.Becoming their hero.Being betrayed by both The Control and The Alliance.My parents dying." I stopped, my expression indifferent as I returned Fiouris' violent glare.

"What else?" He asked.

Jonathan Kress.

My mind whispered and I felt my heartbeat quicken. No. He cannot have the same effect towards me even out of simulation. He isn't real. He was never real. And whatever he felt for me in that simulation, it was a fraud as well...just like him. But why does he keep haunting my thoughts and bringing back all those memories that I had? Why does he keep appearing in my head and I see the two of us, holding one another, kissing while wrapped in each other's arms? Why? I killed him. He was my enemy. He was killing me.

"Lauren," I heard Dr. Carter's voice call out to me. His tone was mellow and gentle. "Are you alright?"

I shook my head, admitting the truth. A sick and twisted feeling was present in my gut, making me want to gag.

"I think it's best if we let her rest for a while." Dr. Carter suggested.

"Rest?"Dr.Fiouris raised his voice. "She's had enough rest her whole life!"

That's when the whole room had gone berserk.

The scientists flew on mad rage as they debated whether I should be given more time or not. I could hear Dr.Fiouris' overpowering voice booming across the room, telling them that it was now time to do what I was created to do. I could also hear Dr. Hardwick tell them that maybe I am still in shock and maybe I should be given at least a month to cope up with reality. I just sat there, swinging my swivel chair from left to right while watching them bawl at each other. I was getting pissed at the sight of them.

"I remember everything, all right!" I stood up from my seat, slammed my hands on the table and yelled back amidst the murmurs in the room. Everybody stopped squabbling and looked at me. I saw Dr. Carter smirk secretly. "I remember everything." I repeated, emphasizing each word.

"Sit down, Lauren." Dr.Fiouris commanded. But instead of doing so, I ran for the door and left.

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