Chapter 5

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"Lauren, wait!" Daniel exclaimed, calling out after me. It was the same voice in the simulation. It was the same voice in my head. It was the same voice implanted in my memories.

I looked at him, his suit a little wrinkled because of what I've done. His dark hair was a bit longer than the one in the simulation but he had the same obsidian eyes and the pale complexion. He had the similar voice, deep and suave. His body built was the same as far as I can recall. But his aura seemed different. It was as if, he was another different person all over again. It was as if I hadn't really known him.

"Stay away!" I warned him, scanning the area for any weapons I could use. In my simulation, Daniel was sent by President Knoxx to kill me. He got close to me by befriending me and trying to make me fall in love with him. He attempted to kill me and that was in my head. What more could he do now after all those lies and deception? "Stand back!" I warned him again, raising both fists, ready for combat. "Don't come close or I swear I will break your face!"

He just stared at me silently, his onyx eyes glinting against the fluorescent lights. In the whiteness of the hallway, he was the only black spot. His hair was dark, his suit was dark and so were his mysterious eyes, the eyes I've gazed into, the eyes that I somewhat admired.

"Lauren," he began again, saying my name so sweetly.

"Stand back!" I yelled at him, shutting my eyes and the memories of him as well. "Stand back!" My voice was already quivering. I was losing control of myself. "Who are you, really?"

"Lauren, I'm Dan." He replied, gesturing towards himself.

"Daniel was part of my simulation." I analyzed him once again. He wasn't real. Anytime now, somebody will yank me out of this landscape and bring me back to the real world. "You aren't him. Did Aurum send you?"


"Did Aurum send you?" I raised my voice, enunciating each word with clarity. He just stood there silently. "Did they send you?"

"No." He responded. Sincerity shrouded his voice but I didn't believe him.

"You're not real." I said, shutting my eyes. I repeated those three words, turning them into a powerful chant. I murmured them all over again as if Daniel was some kind of ghost that would disappear once I said these words. I opened my eyes and he was there again, unmoved.

He walked up to me and I felt my body tense. He touched my arm and said, "I'm real."

"Don't touch me!" I screeched, struggling to get away from his touch that seemed as hot as fire itself. "Get away!" I managed to break off from his grasp and I ran across the hallway.

I needed to find Dr. Carter. I needed answers to my questions.


I opened the door to Dr. Carter's personal office, its material slamming against the wall, creating a loud, startling sound.

"I WANT ANSWERS NOW." I demanded.

Dr. Carter looked up from the stack of paperworks he was studying and flashed a smile. "Back so soon?"

I walked to his desk, my palms hitting the table. "You give me the answers I need." I pointed a finger at him. His green eyes widened and he leaned forward, nearing my index finger. I drew it back. "Is Daniel real?"

"He's your ideal mate." He answered.

I slammed my hands against the table once more, causing the objects placed upon it to rattle and momentarily suspend a few inches above the desk. "Is he real?" I bellowed at him, voice loud and clear.

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