Chapter 48

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Chapter 48


I have never been in Division 38 before, but I have been here for five days now.

Ever since the underground attack on Jonathan's base ten days ago, things have never been the same again. I've escaped their prisons after several ruthless and tiresome interrogations. Jonathan himself has gone missing, and news of an airship from Argentum has spread across the landmass.

But there was no news of her, no sign of her whereabouts.

"Are you alright, Daniel?"

"Yes, Marsha." I replied. "I'm fine." I am reminded again of the simulation. I remembered staying in Jeb and Em's place while I was hunting down Lauren Steel. They were a kindly couple, scarce in riches but overflowing with the love that they had for each other. The only difference now was that Marsha was younger, and she did not have a drunkard son. Her husband, Paul, was a hardworking man, and together, they cared for their three children; two of whom were in their teens and nearing the matching ceremony.

"Alright." She sighed. "Breakfast is ready. Come downstairs as soon as you're ready."

I nodded and walked towards the window. The sunlight set off dust motes as I hauled the curtains to the sides, and gazed upon the dry, cracked ground.

I placed my hand on the back of my neck. I could not feel the numbers that were etched there, ticking to a countdown that I knew would come soon. I allowed my fingers to linger on the warm skin and walked back to the mirror to see it.

My hair has grown longer, so I lifted it to expose the skin on my nape. The familiar blue numbers glowed faintly against the sunlight, slowly shifting, slowly decreasing. Every second feels numbered, and every breath feels too precious exhale.


I put my hand down and walked toward the window again. I have lost her, lost her to a lot of things. Most of all I've lost myself. I've lost myself because I am never the same without her.

I don't want to die without her. I don't want to live without her.

A lone black figure glides against the parched ground, her long, dark hair being whipped by the strong gusts of wind. She pulls her coat tighter to her chest, and I can't help but examine her. Her booted feet thud against soil, sending dust with each step, and my heart lurches. I open the door and make my way down the stairs and into the sunlight. I get befuddled looks from Marsha and her children, and I run to the figure walking in the middle of nowhere.

I stop. She is only a few meters away from me, but she doesn't need to be close for me to know who she is.

She looks up, her green eyes dazzling as ever, ands runs to me. I open my arms, and she lands in it, the smell of her skin floating under my nose and drugging me to paradise. I rake her soft, windblown hair with my fingers and can't believe that this is real.

She is here. She is right in front of me and I couldn't be happier. I will love her, and she will love me, and things will be perfect. Things will be fine.

"Dan." I shudder at the sound of my name tumbling from her lips. She says it with utter joy that's enough to make me forget who I am. She wraps her arms around me, pulls me tight, and I hug her back, wanting to stay in this moment till the last number has washed itself away.

Then, I pull back, my arms aching for her. Something in my pocket presses against the skin of my thigh; a small, circular object that I could've easily forgotten.

"I thought I'd never see you again." I touch her face, proving that she's real, that she's back in my life, that she's here. She looks perfect as ever as if she's never gone to battle. There were no scars, no marks, all except for her green eyes which looked as though they've borne the weight of the world. "Why are you here?"

"This is the only division I've known." She answered, her voice softer than I remembered. "I have a lot to tell you, Dan. There's been so much..."

I put an index finger on her lips and whispered,  "I'm not letting you go, this time. I promise."

I bent down on one knee and pulled out the ring from my pocket. It belonged to my mother's, and I never parted from it. It was, somehow, a memory of her, reminding me of her sweet voice and her gentle touch. She had given it to me when I was thirteen, telling me that if I found the right woman, I should give it to her. And I think I should give it now.

The ring was cold on my fingers, and I suddenly became hyperaware of how I looked. My hair was tousled and messy. My eyes have just opened from a slight slumber. My hand was shaking, and I was wearing nothing but an old, faded polo shirt and loose-fitting pants that were completely mismatched.  They all belonged to Paul. I looked stupid against her monochromatic black appearance and her indescribable perfection. But I had to say it. I had to say the words. I have to make her mine.

"Lauren Alison Steel,the girl from the simulation, P-0002, the girl I love,"  I began, looking away, out of words to say. I saw Marsha, Paul and their children scramble out the door and stare at us, Marsha pulling a handkerchief and mopping her tears. "I have waited for this moment. I have waited and watched you for years, and when I first saw you, I told myself, look at her. Look at this girl. I am going to love her every day of my life. And all these years that I've been watching over you, that's what I've been doing. I fell in love with the way your hands shook when you were in a fight. I fell in love with the soft, little puffs you make when you were asleep. I even fell in love when you shot me, when you thought I betrayed you, that I wanted to hand you to the Control. And all I want to do is fall in love with you, over and over again with every day that I have, with every second that I've got." I paused, taking a breath and gazing at open-mouthed expression. Her lower lip was trembling, and her eyes were studying me, searching me, trying to figure out what all this means. "But love is not a question of time. If it is,then I have loved you for the longest time because I'll love you until the end of my life and maybe even after that.

"Lauren," I uttered, enjoying the sound of her name as it slithered from my lips. Her eyes were filled with tears now, and I took her hand, her fingers curling around mine. I looked at her like I did when I saw her for the first time, when I made the choice to love her. "My heartbeats are numbered, but every single one of them beats for you. Lauren Alison Steel," This is it. This is the moment of truth. "Will you marry me?"

Her gaze shifts a little, and her eyes begin to water. She nods silently and smiles. "Yes." I place the ring on her finger and press my lips against it. I will never let her go again.  "I will marry you, Daniel Deveraux."

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