Chapter 13

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""Don't worry," I assured, my voice as confident as possible. Lawrence and I were sitting on one of the benches, the stadium completely devoid of human entities aside from us. "You'll do fine later." I wrapped an arm around him, nuzzling his neck.

"Look," he began. "I'm really sorry if I can't be with you at the event."

"It's alright." I beamed. "I'll still be watching."

"But it's not the same..." Lawrence protested and I put a finger to his lips.

"Ssshh..." I whispered, hushing him. "I will be watching, okay? Besides, what's the difference of being by your side when you compete from staying aback?"

"It's just that, Mom and Dad are coming to see me. That's all." His shoulders tensed beneath my fingers and I started massaging them.


"Yes." He admitted.

"Don't be. You'll nail this, flipper boy!"

"Flipper boy?" His face crumpled into a weirded out expression. His brows furrowed slightly with one raised and the other lowered. His chinky eyes were almost lost in his features.

I laughed. "What? That does not work out for you?"

He shook his head. "No."

I chuckled again. "Well, we could try pool god, underwater wonder, chlorine prince..."

He cut me short. "Not even one."

"Why?" I whined. I sounded like a baby crying out for more candy. "I just wanted a term of endearment."

"Well, sweet buttercup," He said as he kissed my forehead.

"What the?" I broke off from him, the sound of the horrendous name ringing in my head. Buttercup. No way. "DO NOT EVER CALL ME THAT LAWRENCE CHIU OR EXPECT THAT YOU WILL NO LONGER HAVE A GIRLFRIEND BY THE TIME YOU GET THAT HUNK OF A BODY OF YOURS IN THAT CHLORINATED POOL."

"Well, okay." He chuckled. "If I'll lose her by then, I'll make it up to her and see to win her back before I even take a dip." He winked.

I felt the heat rise up in my cheeks. "I WILL NOT BE CALLED BUTTERCUP."

"Cupcake?" He raised an eyebrow.




"Lucky dragon?"

"NO." I disagreed. "No more of these... Ugh!" I started covering my ears, not wanting to hear more.

He kissed my forehead, laughing and burying his lips against my dark hair. I buried my face in his neck, inhaling the scent of this familiar boy. He smelled so manly and so... Expensive. I felt light electrical shocks wash over me. "Whatever you say," He stroked my back, pulling me closer. "Buttercup."



Not a chance. I say in my head as I whirled around to see a blond haired girl screaming her lungs out at my boyfriend who just launched himself into the water. I spun back, focusing my attention on Lawrence and how he cut his way through the water, swimming as fast as he can go. On one corner of the stadium, my eyes spotted his parents, Mr. _________ and Mrs. Melanie Chiu. They were both in red-Mr. Chiu, wearing a red collared shirt under a black coat and Mrs. Chiu, in a tight-fitting red dress embodying her curves. They sported red because it was the lucky color for the Chinese. I stared at them for a little while, noticing the features that Lawrence got from them. He certainly had Mr. Chiu's chinky eyes and captivating smile matched with the dark hair atop his head. A little was gotten from his American mother, Mrs. Chiu, I just haven't figured it out yet.

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