Chapter One

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"Scarlet you're on cleaning duty today" my boss greeted as soon as I stepped inside into my work place.

"Okay" I fake smiled in return then went to get started.

There's nothing I hated more then work. I had been working at the same party venue place for a couple of months now and I'm already sick of it. I mean I'm thankful to be working at such a beautiful, palace-looking place but when you've got a unfair boss it makes the surroundings look dull. I'm only doing this job to get money for my dance classes, I have been dancing basically my whole life but no one knows about it except for my mum and my best friend Monika. I don't like people knowing about it because it's something I like to keep a 'secret talent' and I didn't like the feeling when people watched me dance. Recently I haven't been attending dance classes as often because I'm so broke so I've been teaching myself. It's been hard balancing work, dance and school but I can make it work.

"Hey Scar" Monika spoke.

"Hey, what's the devil making you do today?" I asked referring to the boss.

"Apparently there's a huge party in the main hall so we've got to clean for that"

"Great" I replied.

"Oh and bad news we have to stay late again to clear the mess up for those pricks" she sighed.

"Are you serious?" I whined, she nodded in reply.

"I'll see you later" she said walking away.

And that ladies and gentlemen is why I despise work, I know my boss secretly hates me but to be fair the feeling is mutual. I grabbed a mop from the cupboard and set off to work.


The party guests were late which meant they would get less party time. I was told earlier that this would be a 17th birthday party meaning they're gonna cause a hell of a mess. Luckily while the party was going on the cleaners could have a break which was definitely needed after all the preparing we had already done. Monika and I were currently looking over the high balcony at the party people, everyone looked pretty much wasted.

"I never did this shit for my 17th" Monika spoke.

"Her parents are probably rich to have it in a hall like this" I stated reminding myself of my quiet birthdays in the past.

"True. Well they haven't got long left, I don't think it'll be that much to tidy because they're already starting" Monika said pointing out the cleaners in the corner of the room.

I looked to where she was pointing but something else caught my eye. A group of boys were in the middle of the dance floor trying to show off their moves with everyone watching/cheering, I laughed at how funny they looked apart from one who could actually dance.

"Shit that's Jai" I blurted out staring at him, luckily we were so high up no one could see us.

"Yup I recongised most of the people here from school" She stated. I looked around more intensely and then saw faces that I recognised.

"I didn't know Jai could dance but obviously he could learn a few tips from you" Monika spoke, nudging my arm.

"I don't think he's the one that needs tips. Maybe his friends do" I said laughing. Jai Brooks and his group of friends were obviously the popular ones at school.

"This is literally the funniest thing watching all the girls drool over the boys" Monika said.

"It's pretty pathetic" I stated, "How long left?"

"Under a hour, it's nearly midnight" She replied.

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