Chapter Five

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"Look I know it's not your type of environment but it's important because Jamie's gonna be there" Monika said smiling.

All morning Monika had been trying to persuade me to come to a party with her but me being someone that hates parties really didn't want to go. Monika was completely different from me as she would take any possible opportunity to go to one. She only wanted me to come along to this time because I had never gone to a party before and she was determined to get me to one before the school term finished. Jamie the guy she's referring to is her (nearly) boyfriend, by nearly I mean they both like each other but Monika's waiting for him to ask her out which she thinks will be tonight.

"You can just go without me! I'll only be following you everywhere" I warned her.

"Look okay, I want you there because I hate not having my best friend with me at any parties" She exclaimed. At that moment I did feel bad as she has done a lot to support me with my dancing so I gave in.

"Okay okay fine I'll go to the stupid party" Monika squealed then hugged me.

"Oh my god I can't wait! But wait you've got someone hot to wear right?" she immediately questioned.

"Come over to my house after school and we'll get ready together" I told her. She happily said yes and we both walked to our second to last class of the day. I had English and she had History, how fun.

The class was empty when I came in. So I made myself comfy at the back. Not too long after people started coming in and Jai was surprisingly not late.

"Turn to page 40 and read until page 50 please" our teacher told us as we opened our books.

I felt a tap behind me to where I turned around and saw Jai.

"Hey I would ask you to practise tonight but I'm going to a party" he spoke.

"I won't be free either. Monika's making me go with her to a party tonight too" I replied.

"Camran's party?" He questioned.

"That's the one"

"Well I guess I'll see you there and don't be too shocked by my amazing moves" he winked making me roll my eyes and turn around.

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