Chapter Twenty One

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Hi! I just wanted to say a quick thanks to all the readers who have been enjoying this book :) I hope you enjoy this chapter and there is a quick video at the top of what occurred between Jai and Scarlet (skip to 0.06 and ignore the music as that wasn't what they were listening to at all lmao)


I woke up with a pounding headache which was obviously the result of drinking last night. I rubbed my eyes then looked around just before turning to my right to see a dark figure causing fear to hit me.

"SHIT" I shouted as I fell out the bed. I got myself back up and looked over towards bed to see the other person who was now recognised as Jai. I smiled at my stupidity as he began to wake up and look over at me.

"Why did you just scream?" he spoke looking amused at my shocked state.

"Well I'm sorry that I forgot you slept in my bed last night" I groaned at him. Sudden thoughts of last night struck my mind causing me to remember that we had admitted we liked each other. My face redden to where Jai had given me a confused look which was soon replaced with a face of realisation as he caught on to what I was thinking about.

"I-I'm gonna go downstairs" I quickly got up and ran downstairs to avoid the moment getting more awkward.

My eyes grew wide at the mess in front of me, I walked around the living room and kitchen to see there was rubbish everywhere. Luckily nothing had been destroyed however I knew this was gonna take a while to clean.

"Well this is gonna be fun" Jai spoke from behind me, looking around at the mess.

"Guess we should start early" I spoke dropping my head in exhaustion. I left the room to quickly grab the essentials for tiding up (the hover, mops etc). I returned to the room and saw no sign of Jai.

"Jai" I called out.

Suddenly loud music filled the house causing me to cover my ears in agony.

"JAI TURN IT DOWN" I screamed as the music began to make my head pound. I ran into the room with the DJ set to see Jai playing around with the laptop. "What're you doi-"

"Remember the day we first met and I walked in on you dancing at the party place?" I nodded in reply, "Well other than the fact that I found out your secret, that dance routine you were doing was pretty good so teach me" he smiled.

The intro to Fetty Wap - My Way came on (this time at a reasonable sound level). My face broke out into a smile.

"Grab a mop and follow me" I smirked walking into the living room.

"Why do we need the mop?" He asked.

"I'm gonna teach and we're gonna clean at the same time." I stood and held my mop in front of me to where Jai stood next to me and waited with the mop.

I went through the steps with him and Jai being a quick learner didn't take long at all to remember every move. We had replayed the song a couple of times until he finally got it all down. The house was close to being spotless as the music had helped us to clean at a crazy speed.

"It's a good routine but I think you should change it up a bit so it could be a two people dance" He suggested, I thought about what he said for a few seconds.

"Got anything in mind to change the routine to that?" I asked agreeing to what he suggested.

"Yep I was thinking about it while we were going. Now it's my turn to teach you" He smirked. I placed the hover down and walked over next to him.

Jai taught me the changes which involved a lot more intimacy than the original. I was used to dancing in a pair when I went to dance with Conner so this luckily wasn't something new to me.

"You're a pretty good teacher you know" I complimented.

"Stating the obvious I see" I lightly hit his arm knowing I've helped his ego grow bigger than it already is.

We went through the dance one last time, the idea he thought of made the dance 10x better than it was. The memories of us dancing together at the Masquerade flooded my mind but this time the dance was way more 'sexy' however it didn't feel awkward. The dance ended with me being wrapped in Jai's arms. I looked up at his face out of habit to see him staring down at me. My eyes travelled straight to his plump lips causing him to move his head closer towards me. Our lips twitched closer together to where they finally met again. We kissed non stop for what seemed like seconds but turned out to be minutes, the only times our lips separated was for air. His kiss felt like heaven.

We finally parted and stared at each other breathlessly. He kept hold of my waist and I didn't unwrap my arms from around his neck.

"Scarlett" He breathed out to me leaning his forehead against mine, "Be my girlfriend"

My heart skipped a beat, it felt as it I was on cloud 9, I dreamt of him saying those words but hearing them felt way better. I looked into his hazel eyes to see he was waiting for me to speak but instead I pulled him into a passionate kiss.

"I will" I spoke smiling through the kiss to where I felt him smile back.

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