Chapter Sixteen

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"You're coming to my house after school by the way" Jai stated.

"Well thanks for asking first" I sarcastically said.

"What's the point in asking if I know you haven't got any other plans?" he spoke, giving his famous smirk.

We were walking to our last period of the day, maths. The teacher still despised me from the 'argument' we had before but honestly I was okay with it. We both walked into the already full class and took our seats to where the teacher gave me his daily 'don't fuck with me today' looks.

"Sir your dirty looks are keeping us from learning" I spoke making him raise his eyebrows then turn around and start the lesson. I heard a small laugh come from Jai who was next to me.

Jai and I hadn't mentioned what happened between us at the party simply because we both knew it would become awkward if we do. I didn't understand my feelings for him but I tried to ignore them. Jai was different from the rest.

The lesson had surprisingly zoomed past, as soon as I heard the bell I shot up and left the room with Jai.

"I'm driving" I stated.

"Oo I like a girl that makes decisions" He said making me laugh.

"I need to get something from my locker so go wait by my bike" I ordered.

"Yes miss" he saluted as we parted ways.

Jai had mentioned that the whole group coming over to chill so it should be fun. Once I reached my locker I got my books from my bag and shoved them inside along with some papers, I closed the locker door and jumped at the sight of a familiar figure standing to my side.

"Fuck" I shouted.

"I need to talk to you" The one and only Monika spoke.

"You're better off getting lost because I'm not gonna listen" I hissed back, she was taken back by my words.

"Just hear me out, Scar I'm sorry okay. I've been the biggest fucking bitch and now I've realised life is shit when you're not by my side. I understand if you don't want to accept my apology but just know I'm know I'm really sorry" She said with tears threatening to spill from her eyes. I didn't say a word in reply but pulled her into a hug to where she cried on my shoulder. I know I shouldn't of given in that easy but when you've been best friends for that long it's easier to forgive then fight.

"Monika I forgive you. I can't blame you for changing because I've done the same. I'm sorry for being a bitch too" I gently spoke pulling away.

"God I've missed having my best friend" She smiled.

"Me too. Hey I hate to ruin the moment but I've gotta go meet Jai so I'll speak to you later" I called out to her as I backed away.

"It's cool. Cya" She replied.

I ran back outside to see Jai was exactly where I told him to be, by my bike. I ran over and hopped on followed by Jai wrapping his arms around my waist.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

"Monika and I are friends again" I spoke starting the engine and heading for his house.

"You sure you trust her?" Jai shouted over the loud sound of the engine.

"I said I forgave her but honestly I don't trust her. Not like before anyway" I replied.

"I get it" He said.

With that said the rest of the way was silent except for the small moments he would tighten his grip and curse under his breath when I made big turns, which of course made me do some extra turns as it made me laugh.

"That's gonna take me a while to get used too" Jai said referring to bike as we arrived.

"I can tell" I laughed following him inside. As we entered loud voices and laughter filled the room to where we saw everyone sitting on the sofas.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Ayyy what took so long?" Beau winked.

"Shut the fuck up Beau" Jai replied.

"We're going to my room, call us when you're ready for the movie" He called out as we both walked to his room. His room was exactly how I expected it to be, it was a typical boy room.

"Are those yours?" I asked referring to the elvis posters on the wall.

"Yep" he smiled.

"At least you've got a good taste in music" I smiled back.

"What do you mean at least?" he raised a eyebrow.

"Well you need something good out of you from your bad attitude" I joked.

"I'm the one with the bad attitude? Have you heard yourself speak?" he questioned as we sat down on his bed.

"I sure hav-" I was cut of from my phone ringing. I pulled out my phone and saw it was strangely Connor.

"Hey" I answered.

"Hi, is it a bad time?" Connor asked.

"No no its fine" I replied looking at Jai's confused expression.

"I was wondering if your free tomorrow night to go out for dinner. I thought we needed a proper catch up" he cheerfully spoke.

"Yeah sure that's fine! What time?" I asked.

"Larry's diner at 7?" he questioned.

"Cool. I'll text you later"

"Alright bye" I heard as I ended the call.

"Who was that?" Jai asked staring at me.

"It was Connor. I know him through dance class, we met when I first started years ago" I spoke.

"Cool" Jai replied turning away, "I heard Beau call for the movie when you were on the phone"

"Okay, let's go" I said as we both got up and joined them in the living room.

I went and sat next to Sienna along with Jai who sat next to me. We were told that we were watching Paranormal Activity, which was good because I love horrors. They passed around the popcorn and started the movie. Jai then stretched out his arm around my neck, I tensed at first but relaxed as I saw everyone was cuddled together. Surprisingly it was comfortable.

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