Chapter Twelve

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I woke up a little earlier than usual for today because I knew I had to make a effort to look good this week or so. I walked into my wardrobe and pulled out the new clothes from yesterday. My style before was more cheerful and bright but these were definitely the opposite. The new clothes looked more grunge style, the outfit I put on was black ripped jeans with a white crop top and leather jacket. Usually I never put makeup on for school but this time I did, I winged my eyeliner and added some nude lipstick. To finish the look I straightened my hair then walked to my mirror to see I surprisingly loved how I look.

I didn't have much time left to waste so I went downstairs taking my black schoolbag and phone. I usually skipped breakfast before school but today I decided to have cereal quickly before leaving. School was only a few minutes drive from my house and being on a motorbike made journeys 10 times quicker. I looked down at my outfit making sure I haven't split anything then put the bowl in the sink. I put on my black vans and hopped onto my beloved Henry. Having a leather jacket really made everything more badass which suceeded step one of the plan. Before I knew it I arrived, I felt my phone ringing in my pocket, I parked up and I quickly answered it.

"Hello" I said without checking the ID.

"Yo meet me at the front gates" Jai spoke back.

"I'm walking over" I replied hanging up as I saw him in the distance.

Once I got closer I called his name making him turn around and walk towards me.

"Shit you look good. You look like a female version of my style." he said smiling.

"Thanks. I guess you're not so bad at picking out clothes" I laughed as we walked into school.

"People are gonna think you're a new person here" he stated.

"I guess so. It's so different" I replied looking down at my outfit.

"It's a good different" he smirked. "Well since you've got no friends now and I'm in most of your classes, I'll entertain you today" I playfully shoved him at his comment.

"Oh yeah, I wonder how Monika will react to this" I spoke.

"She'll be jealous but she can't say anything bad about it" he laughed. I smiled in reply. We finally reached maths class. The best lesson of the day! (note the sarcasm).

Jai sat next to me for this class so throughout the whole lesson he was distracting me.

"You still have step 2 by the way" he whispered as the teacher turned around.

"How am I gonna do that?" I whispered back.

"Answer back" he smirked and I gave a confused look. His eyes then looked in the direction of our teacher and in that second I realised what he was talking about.

"Move your bag" Jai said speaking louder getting the attention of our teacher. I looked at him knowing what he was trying to do.

"It's not even in your way" I hissed back.

"Is there a problem?" the teacher, Mr Jackson asked.

"She's refusing to move her bag out my way" he acted out.

"Why is it suddenly disturbing you 20 minutes into the lesson?" I spoke raising my voice louder.

"BECAUSE ITS IN MY WAY" He shouted back at me.

"Jai, Scarlett enough!" Mr Jackson shouted. This was my opportunity.

"Sorry sir but I rather disturb this pointless lesson then sit here and watch my bad getting kicked" I shot him a angry look. I never knew me, the teachers pet, would have that in me.

"Don't talk back" Mr Jackson sternly said.

"THEN DO FUCKING SOMETHING" I shouted at him, people in the class had shocked faces all apart from Jai...To be fair everyone in the school hated this teacher so I thought of it as doing them a favour.

"Detention Walkers" Mr Jackson said pointing at me.

I slouched down into my chair with a much annoyed face to where Mr Jackson turned around and carried on teaching.

"Not bad" Jai winked at me. I smiled in reply.

What is he turning me into? I was annoyed with how Jamie changed Monika yet I was letting Jai change me. I had no power of going back to the old me as it's already too late but strangely I liked this me.


As soon as I walked into the lunch hall people were giving me weird looks, probably because Jai was by my side. He invited me to join his group for lunch which was of course gonna be awkward.

"Sup twats" he greeted them as we reached the table.

"Who's that?" all their heads shot in my direction at the same time.
"Scarlett, trust me you're gonna like her" He smirked.

"Hey" I confidentially spoke. Surprisingly they all gave comforting smiles.

Jai sat down and patted the seat next to him for me to sit so I put my cupcake down and sat.

"Are you new?" Daniel asked.

"I'm not new but you wouldn't see me a lot because I take a lot off during school" I lied. I could see Jai smirking from the corner of my eye.

"Oh cool. I get it" Sienna replied.

"How did you meet Jai? Weren't you at my house like last week?" Luke, Jai's twin laughed.

"I got moved next to him in maths and I'm pretty good at it so I help him I guess" I smiled finishing off my chocolate cupcake.

"Well any friend of Jai's is ours too" Ashley spoke, I smiled in reply.

"I don't know why but you look familiar?" James asked. Oh shit he's gonna remember the masquerade.

"You've probably just seen my around school and maybe parties" I replied, he then shrugged not questioning it.

"Knowing you, you probably hooked up with her at a party" Jessica joked, we all laughed.

"Hey I gotta go but I'll see you around" I spoke as I got up.

"Shit I love your jeans" Jessica gasped.

"Thanks they're from Pull&Bear" I jokingly modeled the jeans making them laugh. With that I walked out of the lunch hall. That didn't go too bad. I left the table simply because I needed some fresh air so I decided to go to my motorbike.

Suddenly as I was walking out the doors I felt someone push harshly against me.

"What the fuck" I shouted turning around and seeing of course Monika with Jamie.

"Well hi nearly didn't recognise you through all this shit" she spoke referring to my appearance.

"She's not worth it" Jamie said pulling Monika away.

"Yeah why don't you listen to your fucking boyfriend" I smirked at her.

"Damn you've got a attitude too. What happened to 'not letting a boy change you'?" she laughed as she quoted me.

"Well I'm breaking the rules bitch" I said walking away then turning around and sticking my middle fingers up. She gave her famous death stare and walked away with Jamie. That felt good.

Yes she's a total bitch but two can play at that game.

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