Chapter Twenty Three

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2 weeks have passed since Jai and I started dating and these weeks have felt so complete. Everything is going so smooth it's hard to believe that it's real life. I was currently sitting on my dressing chair putting on some simple mascara for the date Jai had planned. All Jai had told me about the date was to wear something comfy and that he'll pick me up when it's dark so I went with wearing the simple black jeans and off shoulder cosy jumper. Jai was going to arrive any second meaning I had to hurry the hell up. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to put on my black and white converses. I just about finished tying my shoes before I heard the door bell ring.

"I'm surprised you took the extra effort to ring the door bell rather than honk the horn" I greeted pretending to be shocked.

"It's the little things" he laughed as he leant down to kiss me.

"Okay I have one thing to ask you" Jai spoke as we drove off.

"What?" I asked concerned.

"When we get nearer to where I'm taking you. I need to blindfold you so it's a surprise" he turned towards me waiting for a answer.

"I swear to god if you walk me into something I will personally murder you right there" I warned him.

"I'm taking that as a yes then" he chuckled causing butterflies in my stomach at the sound.

The ride there wasn't too long but it got to a point where I had no clue where he was taking me. Suspicion filled my brain along with some excitement, this better not be the part where he murders me. It wasn't long before Jai pulled the car over on the quiet road and tied a black cloth around my eyes, filling my sight with complete darkness.

"This is by far the weirdest thing I've ever done" I laughed.

"It will soon turn into the best thing," even though I couldn't see anything I knew he was smiling, "we're here" with that said he jumped out of the car and went around to my side to help me out.

He gently placed his muscular arm around my waist and guided me through what seemed like a forest.

"It's so quiet" I whispered as if I would disturb something.

"I know. Just perfect" he replied.

We continued walking which only made my curiosity grow. Jai gave me constant warnings about where to step and to watch out for the twigs which confirmed my suspicion about being in the forest.

"And here we are" he whispered close to my ear as he gently pulled away the blindfold.

I gasped at my surroundings, I had never seen something so beautiful. We were standing in the middle of a circle surrounded by trees with sparkling lights put around them. They illuminated the small area along with the moonlight above. Just in front of me was a small, lit camp fire. I became speechless at the fact that he did this for me.

"So do you like it?" he spoke gleaming at me with his sparkling hazel eyes. Words couldn't come out my mouth so I turned around hugged him making him slightly step back from the sudden gesture.

"I love it. Thank you Jai" I replied pulling away from the hug and kissing him, "When did you do this?"

"During the day while you were at work, I dragged Luke's ass here to help set it up" he proudly spoke as he set out blankets and pillows on the floor.

"I don't know what to say. This is amazing"

"Well I couldn't not make a huge effort for our first official date together" he laughed as he gestured for me to lie next to him.

I laid down on the blanket next to him and gasped at how beautiful the sky looked. There wasn't a single spot in the sky which wasn't covered with sparkling stars. Words couldn't describe the beauty of this moment.

"God this is so perfect" I said under my breath.

"I know" I turned to look at Jai to see he had the same astonished look as I did, "I mean I knew this was gonna be a date to remember forever but feeling this moment right now, I couldn't have prepared for it"

"Can I ask you something random?" I spoke.

"Go ahead" he replied.

"If you have three wishes for the future what would they be? So basically top three things on your bucket list" I asked curiously.

"Hard one" he paused a moment before answering, "One is to always be able to take care of my mum, two would be to become something on the lines of a comedian and three is to find love which I have found if I count you"

"Awh" I smiled impressed by his answer but also blushing at the fact he called me his love.

"What about you?" he asked.

"One has always been to win the annual dance championships, two is to graduate and third is to find true love which I guess I've found if you count my beloved dog, Ray" I smirked turning to Jai as he raised his eyebrows back at me, "I'm kidding, it's you" I smiled.

"I think we just confessed our love for each other" Jai fake gasped.

"I think we just did" I laughed back.

"Scar," Jai turned his body towards me leaning his head against his propped up arm, "I love you."

To hear Jai say the words struck a huge case of butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I had only dreamed of him saying them but for me to hear them out loud was a whole new story.

"I love you too" I replied without hesitation. I turned my body towards him to where Jai grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him, my head was resting peacefully on his chest with the perfect view of the sky.

And for what seemed like the hundredth time being said, everything in this moment is perfect. The place. The boy. Everything.

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