Chapter Seven

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I was woken up by the sound my my phone ringing. I groaned as I rolled over and picked it up without checking the caller.

"Hello" I said in my grouchy morning voice.

"Morning" I heard the voice reply. I pulled the phone away to see the caller was Jai.

"Why are you calling so early?" I asked.

"I wanna practise today" he cheerfully said.

"Okay fine when?"

"Umm in like 2 hours but the thing is I can't use my garage"

"That's fine. I know a place to practise. I'll pick you up from your house and take you there" I told him.

"Cool but isn't the guy meant to pick up the girl?" I could literally see his smirk through this voice.

"Old cliché" I smiled, "I'll text you when I'm leaving" with that said we said goodbye and I got out of bed to get ready.

I walked downstairs and saw a note on the table from my mum saying she wasn't gonna be home until late tomorrow for a business trip. I was used to her being away a lot but it was okay. I made myself some cereal and watched TV. I heard my phone buzz again and saw a text from Monika.

Monika -
I'm in love already. Help!

Me -
I'm pretty sure it's too soon.

Monika -
Be happy for me bitch.

I laughed at her reply.

Me -
Damn okay. I'm sure he loves you too if that helps.

Monika -
Scar I know he does.

I finished my cereal and then went upstairs to change out of my pj's. I decided I needed to shower so I undressed and hoped in. Luckily I didn't have to rush as I knew I had a while. Suddenly I gave myself the biggest facepalm as I realised that I told Jai that I would take him somewhere to practise meaning the abandoned centre. My sleepy mind wasn't thinking straight. Now he would find out about that place but I was determined that he would keep it secret, I trust him I guess.

I snapped out of my shower thoughts and got out the shower. I walked over to my wardrobe and decided to wear some black skinny jeans with a plain white crop top with a grey hoodie. I left my hair out and didn't bother wearing makeup as I would most likely sweat. I checked the time to see I had 15 minutes left to leave but since I was ready, I had decided to just leave now so hopefully the practise will be done sooner. I texted Jai telling him I'm on my way. Once I had got my keys and phone I went downstairs to put my shoes on then walked out the house to Henry. No one had been on henry other than myself (obviously) and Monika who hated going on it. It was gonna be pretty awkward with Jai riding on the back.

The drive to his house was very short so I was there quick. I saw Jai standing by the door waiting. I parked in front and he came running towards me.

"Shit I forgot that you ride a motorbike" he said climbing on the back.

"You scared?" I questioned.

"Jai Brooks never gets scared" I laughed at his reply. I gave him a helmet and he put it on before we set off.

"Woah" Jai said loosing balance.

"You dumbass you have to hold on" I said stopping my bike. Jai obeyed me and placed muscular arms around my waist eventhough I was referring to the handles at the back of him. I once again started the bike up and took off, his grip got tighter as we made turns.

"Jai I can hardly breathe" I chocked out.

"I know I have that affect on the ladies" he laughed.

"N-no you're arms" I stuttered.

"Oh right sorry" he said looking down at his arms then loosening up.

Soon enough we arrived at the centre. I parked up on the side near the entrance door, I got off my bike and Jai followed.

"Why are we here?" Jai asked looking at the falling building as we entered.

"This is where I practise, just wait" I said as we walked into the dance part of the place. Where I practise is a little less broken looking so it's doable.

"This place is so you" Jai stated as I gave him a confused look.

"It's quiet and out the way, perfect for you" he finished.

"Yeah I guess" I smiled scrolling through my music, "anything particular you wanna practise?" I asked.

"Well yeah I wanna practise more on the slow kinda songs. Not that I'm asking you to slow dance with me but I need to learn some slow moves because I can't always be the expert dancer with a girl" he stated.

"I get what you mean, it's awkward when you can dance but the other girl isn't as good. Let's do it" I laughed.

"What song?" I questioned.

"Drunk Texting Chris Brown" he stated.

"You've come prepared" I put on the song on my phone and connected it to the mini speakers. "Wait before I do anything. Can you promise me that you won't tell anyone about this place?" I asked him.

"Um okay I won't" he confusly replied.

"Look just don't bring anyone here as this place is my secret, you're the only other person that knows about it. So promise?" I put out my pinkie.

"Your secrets safe with me," he started. "But like last time I need something in return" I sighed at his comment. Great what it is gonna be this time.

"What?" I rolled my eyes.

"Go to the masquerade party with me next Saturday" he smiled.

"What the fuck! No I'm not going!" I told him.

"Yes you are," he smirked knowing I had to so this place is kept quiet. "It's not gonna be that bad all I need you to do is come looking fancy, wear a mask and dance with me then you can go"

"Fine I'll do it but once the dance is over I'm going." I said as he nodded in reply.

"We'll look good together because we both will probably be the best dancers" he said smiling.
"Not sure about you but I will" I smirked as I walked over to my phone to press play.

"Nice try. Let's start" he said walking in front of the huge mirrors.

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