Chapter Eighteen

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"So it's tonight?" Jai asks. We just finished our dance practise and currently were outside my house as Jai drove me home.

"Yup. Monika's coming" I stated.

"Good. I'll speak to you soon" he said.

"Bye" I smiled as I got out the car and headed inside. I saw my mum was home as her car was in the driveway.

"Scar?" I heard as soon as I shut the door.

"Coming" I spoke making my way towards the living room. She was sitting on the sofa watching TV so I went over and collapsed on the seat next to her.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I need to tell you something," she spoke turning to look at me. Oh great what happened. "I have to go back in for work. I know I said that I'm staying a while but I got called back in for another meet-" I cut her off.

"Mum stop. It's fine! I've told you loads of times that it doesn't matter. It's your job and I can't hold you back from it" she pulled me into a hug.

"I love you so much. I just thought you would be annoyed because I said I would be staying a long time" she smiled.

"I love you too. You're an awesome mum, I couldn't be annoyed at you" I said pulling away. It was true.


"Shit this has got to be the most packed party I've been too" Monika shouted to me over the music. We were both currently at Connor's party, I wore a tight dark blue dress and Monika wore a hot pink dress. We both were slightly intoxicated but not enough for us to be falling everywhere.

"I know" I replied. I started to get panicky as the house was full to every corner with people.

"SCARLETT" I turned around to see a smiley Connor coming towards me. "You look amazing" he spoke pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks, you look good" I replied. His broad chest showed against his thin shirt, he looked hot.

"Hey Monika" he greeted her. "Can we dance?" he asked us.

"Sure" Monika and I said in unison.

"He's fucking gorgeous" Monika spoke.

"I know right" I laughed.

The dancefloor was very crowed so we danced at the side. Some of the people here I recongised from dance class but many people were unknown to me. I didn't have to worry about dancing freely as no one here knew me plus Connor would be confused as to why I'm holding back. Monika wasn't a bad dancer either but she didn't particularly enjoy it. Suddenly Connor stopped and smirked at me, it took me a second to realise why. I smiled back at him when I heard the intro to the very familiar song to Connor and I. It was of course Lolly by Justin Bieber. Connor and I always loved to rehearse to this song due to the beat of it being so good.

"Wanna do it?" he asked smiling referring to our dance routine.

"Sure" I laughed.

Monika moved to a side to watch us. Connor stood by my side and followed the steps we had done countless times in dance class. It felt good being in public surrounded by strangers and dancing. The alcohol in my body gave me a push of confidence as if I was sober I knew I would still be having second thoughts.

"WOOO" I heard a few cheers to my right and saw a small crowd of people standing by watching us. Immediately Connor began to straighten out and do the moves more precisely followed by me.

We were halfway finished when I looked back around to see more people watching but what caught my eye was the amount of phones set on us recording. Shit shit shit. What if the videos get put on Facebook for people I know to see? The sudden thought made me improvise moves to end the routine slyly. As I danced off and I grabbed Monika's hand. I ran as far as I could outside the house not looking back.

"FUCK" I let go of Monika's hand just as we were in the front lawn.
"What happened?" She asked concered, pulling my hands down from my face.

"Monika people were recording, what if that goes online and people from school see" I angrily said.

"Scar stop! You're a amazing dancer. It's time you got over yourself and showed people your talent" I looked down to the ground as she spoke.

"Okay okay" I calmed myself down but what she said wouldn't magically help me to go in front of the school and dance.

"You good?" she asked pulling me into a hug.

"I'm fine. I'm gonna call it a night. Stay if you want" I sighed.

"It's 1am anyway. Let's go" she grabbed my hand and pulled me to her car. We both jumped in and I watched the house become smaller as we drove away.

Me -
Sorry about that Connor. I was feeling sick so I'm gonna head home.

Connor -
Don't worry about it. Hope you're okay. See you soon x

I gave out a sigh as I turned my phone off. So many thoughts of the consequences of the video going online went through my mind. God I really hated having to hide this.

"And here we are" Monika said pulling up in front of my house.

"Thanks. Text me when you get home" I spoke getting out the car. Luckily her house was only around the corner.

"Bye hun" she drove away as she saw me walk into my house.

The only reasonable thing to do right now is sleep.

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