Chapter Ten

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The video at the top gives you a visual on how Jai and Scarlet's dance went. (watch from 0:00 - 2:00)

And the picture at the top is how Scarlet looked.


Hope you're enjoying the story, it's gonna be a hell of a ride!The morning had consisted of me running around the house getting ready for tonight's Masquerade Party. The party started at 7pm but I rather start to get ready now then leave it to last minute. I decided to make a effort for this party as Jai had said the place was fancy with fancy people. Once all my makeup was sitting in front of me I carefully started putting it on. After many attempts and time gone by I had completed my black smokey eye makeup with nude lipstick, I was pretty proud of what I accomplished. For my hair I had gone with just straightening it and leaving it down as it gave off the whole elegant look. Now what I have been waiting for all day, dress time! I had got up from the desk and walked over to my dress which was lying on my bed. I undressed out of my pj's and slipped on the delicate dress. Luckily I had managed to pull up the zip on the back, the dress fit perfectly. I slowly walked to my full mirror and was shocked with my reflection. I didn't recognise myself at all but I surprisingly really liked my appearance. The dress was a long black tight-fitting lace dress which I had complimented with black heels. I heard my phone buzz so I went over and checked the message.

Jai -
I'm on my way

Me -
Cool. I'm ready.

With that done I grabbed my black mask (that matched the dress beautifully) and my phone. I slowly walked downstairs not wanting to fall and break myself in these heels. I stood waiting by the front door to where I heard a car pull up, I peeked out the window and saw Jai coming towards the door. Seconds later the doorbell rang, I opened it and standing there was a very handsome Jai.

"W-woah" his mouth fell open making me give out a small laugh.

"You look good Jai" I smirked.

"Scar you look beautiful" He spoke looking at me up and down.

"Thanks" I smiled at him as I turned to lock the door and walk to Jai's car. As I got closer I saw someone in the drivers seat so I got into the backseat followed by Jai.

"You look amazing" Beau spoke from the drivers seat.

"Thanks" Jai and I said at the same time making me laugh.

"Cunt, I was talking to Scarlet" Beau spoke turning the engine on.

"Yeah she does look good" He said turning to me and smiling.

"Got your mask?" I asked him.

"Yep have you?" He pulled out a black mask that matched with his tight fitting black suit.

"Mine matches perfectly with yours" I said showing him mine.

I had turned my head to look in the rear view mirror so I could put my mask on. I placed in on my head but struggled to tie the ribbon at the back. Jai laughed at me struggling then grabbed the ribbon and tied it for me.

"Thanks. Now you can hardly recognise me" I spoke.

"Hardly recognise us" He corrected as he put his mask on. He was right.

"You kids don't get up to too much" Beau winked as he parked in front of the party letting us out.

"Shut up" Jai spoke getting out.

"Cya Beau" I said as I got out.

Jai came by my side and we both waved Beau away. The building was huge and so light up from the outside.

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