Chapter Twenty Two

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I loved hearing gossip, I mean who doesn't but when it's about you it's a whole new story. Jai and I were the new talk of the school once everyone found out about the new relationship. There were mixed reactions some being surprised, some happy and some very angry. I was no longer known as the 'new' girl that suddenly joined the popular group, I was known as Jai's new girlfriend. I had never got this much recognition even during the change so it felt strange. From time to time I had wanted to hide away from the following eyes as I walked down the hall but when Jai was by my side, he gave me a slight boost in confidence.

I for sure did not want to be one of those annoying couples that were all over each other at school because honestly they piss everyone off including me. Monika was overly happy when I told her about the news, she had already started to plan double dates. The boys were applauding Jai for finally getting his act together and the girls were happy for us.

"Hey" Jai greeted as he kissed my cheek and hung his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the hall.

"Hi" I replied.

"Got any plans now?" Jai asked as the last bell rang.

"Nope" I smiled.

"Well the others are coming to my house so wanna join?" He asked facing me.

"Let's go" I said pushing the gates open.

"The cars over there" Jai spoke pointing to where the rest are.

"Hey guys" I spoke we got closer.

"Sup lovebirds" James laughed.

"We're taking the 8-seater, Beau's driving" Daniel pointed.

"There's 9 of us?" Siena questioned.

"You're saying that like we've never put 8 people in a 5 seater" Luke stated making everyone laugh. We all pilled in the car however I was ordered to sit on Jai's lap whilst the others were sitting in their own seats but I wasn't complaining.

As we set onto the road, Beau turned the music up to the point where it felt as if my eyes were bleeding, on the bright side he didn't have a bad music taste.

"I need to make a quick stop" Beau shouted over the music, pulling into the car park of the local supermarket.

"Be quick, this may be a big car but I am being squished to the fucking bone" Ashley spoke squirming. Beau got out the car with Daniel and they both ran inside of the supermarket.

"Let me change this shit music" Luke shouted connecting his phone to the AUX.

"I'm gonna get out and stretch" Siena said opening the car door.

"Yeah me too" I called hoping off Jai's lap and getting out.

"AH" Siena sighed with satisfaction as she stretched her legs. Siena then jokingly danced to the R&B playing from the car to where I joined in with some stupid moves.

"How the fuck do you whip?" Siena laughed as she tried to copy.

"Wait do you know the dance to this?" Luke asked putting on 'Lean and Dab'.

"Sadly I do" I laughed but cringed inside.

"DO IT" Jessica called out, "and then teach me" she joked.

I could see Jai smirking from the corner of my eye as he knew what I was getting myself into. I looked over at him and he gave me a slight 'go ahead, do it' nod.

"Alright I'll try" I laughed.

[A/N watch the video to see how Scarlet's dance went]

The song was pretty basic but funny as it consisted of the mainstream moves like the whip and nae nae. I danced along to the lyrics and looked over at the others surprised but happy expressions. I have never openly danced like this in front of anyone even if it was some silly moves like this but I turned out to be really fun.

"You dance pretty good" James grinned at me as I hopped back into the car.

"Yeah that was awesome and like I said you're gonna teach me that" Jessica shouted over the music.

"Thank you and I will" I laughed as Jai kissed the back of my ear, "They're back" I pointed out towards Daniel and Beau.

They quickly put the bags in the car boot and we set off to the Brooks house.

"Some of them recorded you," I gave Jai a wide eyed look as he whispered "but I told them not to put it anywhere" he quietly assured me.

Thank god.

"Thanks" I pecked him on the lips.

The rest of the journey consisted of everyone arguing over what movie to watch and once we arrived at the Brook's house, we all decided on watching Scream. I was on the floor snuggled with Jai whilst the others were partnered up, snuggled on the sofas. All of us seemed to love horrors so it wasn't a worry if someone was too scared. I looked up and Jai to see his beautiful hazel eyes glued to the screen.

"I know I'm hot but you need to keep your eyes on the screen" he whispered smirking, causing me blush.

"Shut up" I laughed quietly then turned to look back at the screen.

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